Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON), July 2, 1831
- Full Text
p.2 We are informed by one of the Building Committee, that the Steam-boat William the Fourth, building at Gananoque, under the superintendence of Mr. Jesse Wood of New York, is progressing rapidly.
A schooner of about 80 tons burden, called The John Watkins, and owned by Capt. Thew, was launched at Hatter's Bay yesterday. She will sail immediately, having been completely rigged while on the stocks. [U.C. Herald]
The village of Maitland, in the township of Augusta, and 4 miles below Brockville, has, by a Proclamation of His Excellency Sir John Colborne, been appointed a port of Entry, by the name of Port Maitland. [Colonial Advocate]
p.3 Notice - The Stockholders in the Steam Boat William the Fourth are requested to pay 10% on each share, on or before the 27th day of July, 1831.
Prescott, June 25th, 1831. A. McDonell, Sec'y & Treas.
Lake Ontario
Arrangement For 1831
Niagara Falls, Oswego, Montreal, & Quebec.
The Splendid New Steam-Boat
Capt. Joseph Whitney,
Propelled by two Low Pressure Engines of 90 Horse power each.
Boilers on the Guards.
Will leave Niagara at 4 o'clock P.M. every fifth day, viz:
July 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th 30th
August 5th 1Oth 15th 20th 25th 30th
Sept. 5th 1Oth 15th 20th 25th 30th
calling at Oswego on the following mornings, at which place Canal packets and Stages leave daily for Utica. Also, Kingston, and Brockville the same evening, where stages are always in readiness to convey passengers to Montreal.
Will leave Prescott at 1 o'clock, A.M. every fifth day, viz;
July 3rd 8th 13th 18th 23d 28th
August 3rd 8th 13th 18th 23d 28th
Sept. 3rd 8th 13th 18th 23d 28th
calling at Brockville, Kingston and at Oswego on the evening of the same days. Also, at York and Niagara.
The Great Britain was built in the Fall of 1830, by Messrs. Brown & Bell of New York - is 162 feet in length - Promenade Deck 148 feet - Extreme breadth 60 feet.
The Ladies and Gentleman's Cabins are finished in the same manner as the New York and Liverpool Packet Ships with State Rooms. No expense has been spared in furnishing the Boat in the most comfortable manner, and every endeavour will be used to accommodate passengers and ensure regularity.
By this conveyance passengers from Buffalo can arrive at Oswego in 24 hours. Passage (including fare) from Niagara to Oswego £1 10s. Stage fare from Oswego to Utica, 10s.
A Boat will leave Oswego and Syracuse every morning (Sundays excepted) throughout the season. One of the Boats is constructed on Bromwell's spring deck patent. Her days of leaving are as follows: Oswego - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and Syracuse - Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The other boat will leave each place on the intervening days.
Passengers taking this line will meet with every attention, and no delay, as it runs in connection with the Erie packet line to and from Schenectady and Buffalo, and the Lake Ontario steamboats.
The elegant British Steamer Great Britain, Capt. Whitney, touches at Oswego on her trips from Prescott and Kingston to York and Niagara; and touches also on her return from those places to Kingston and Prescott.
Oswego, July 1st, 1831.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- July 2, 1831
- Local identifier
- KN.949
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great