Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON), Sept. 28, 1833
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p.2 The Steamer Constitution - This beautiful new boat left our wharves this morning on her first trip for Prescott, via Niagara, and the intermediate Ports. There is no handsomer model on the lake than that of the Constitution; nor is there one which is more conveniently and genteelly arranged and fitted up; while her promenade deck is certainly superior to all the other lake boats. The Constitution is 133 feet long on deck - 22 feet breadth of beam - 42 feet across the guards, and ten feet deep in the hold. She is upwards of 300 tons burthen, and is worked with one engine of 75 horsepower, made by Ward, of Montreal. In the gentlemen's cabin there are 28 berths, and in the ladies' 12; and there is a good forward cabin of 12 or 14 berths. The cabins are very handsomely furnished - the chairs and settees, we understand, were made by Rainey and Schofield of the village of Oakville, where the boat was built, and they certainly are alike creditable to the workmen and the place, as they are quite equal to those manufactured at Buffalo, or any of the other chair manufacturing places. The Constitution is commanded by Lieut. Wm. Critchell, of the Royal Navy, and she is intended to ply between Hamilton and Prescott, and the intermediate ports; and there is no doubt of her proving an excellent sailer, as she has already performed the trip between Oakville and York, 22 miles - once in five minutes over, and once in five minutes less than two hours. [York Courier]
As an evidence of the vast increase of business on the Welland Canal this season, we may mention the fact, that about 40 schooners, deeply laden with upward and downward freight, arrived in the vicinity of this village during the few days interruption of the navigation, occasioned by the accidental damage done to one of the locks. [St. Catherines Argus]
Kingston Forwarding Company - There have been two meetings held this week on this subject, the proceedings of which we publish. Both were well attended, the first especially; and, however those present differed about the details of the management of the contemplated Company, there appeared to be, with but very few exceptions, a general wish that it should go into operation. We sincerely hope it may, and that no exertion will be wanting on the part of our townsmen to carry into effect a measure that promises so much to add to the business of Kingston.
The second meeting on this subject was postponed in order to have the stock subscription list as full as possible, before the Company was organized, and not from any doubt of its proving successful. The time thus given previous to the next meeting will, we trust, be actively employed by the friends of this object. We hope the good of the town will be kept foremost in view, and that there will be no reason to justify, in this instance, the rather severe remarks of our correspondent Viator.
New Bay Boat - Another addition to the numerous and beautiful steam-boats which so frequently visit our harbour, is now preparing at Mississauga Point, to be finished next spring. The public will be led to expect something superior, when we inform them that the new vessel will be built under the superintendence of the able and experienced Capt. Gildersleeve, of the Sir James Kempt, and will have for her master builder, Mr. McEwen, whose work is so successfully displayed in the Britannia and St. George. The new steam-boat is intended to be about the size of the St. George; to have two engines of 35 horse power each; and to ply on the Bay of Quinte and the River. Success to her, and her worthy "Commander."
While on the subject of steamboats, we may mention an advertisement in the Montreal Herald, of Mr. J. Pigott, who has made a long course of experiments on paddles for steam boats, and who thinks he has at last succeeded in producing a perfect model, which has obtained the approbation of various scientific men. It was to be put in operation the 24th inst.
For the Kingston Chronicle & Gazette
Messrs. Editors - Having an hour or two on my hands yesterday, I occupied the time in looking about your rather nice town; and among some things to approve, there would seem to be many to which this feeling would not properly be applied: not to enter into a general detail of what might and should be bettered, I was led to the consideration of one circumstance, which struck me as somewhat singular, and totally at variance with its great, and might be, growing interests, viz. the effortless attempt which I noticed was going on, to form a Joint Stock Forwarding Company. On inquiry, I understood that the town is often reprehensible for its imbecile, and consequently inefficient enterprise; that the new and inconsiderable villages of Brockville and Prescott have, through the spirited exertions of a number of their principal inhabitants, established the only forwarding companies now in operation in this delightful and rapidly increasing Province, to the manifest neglect, and in spite of the interests, of this town. Why this is, I am at a loss to comprehend. Kingston is the oldest, and till recently, the largest and most important town in the colony; its inhabitants are known for their amply means, and many of them for their wealth; and yet I notice that the very necessary and important business of which I have been speaking, is like to fall to the ground by the spiritless endeavours proverbial to the good people of Kingston. Why is this so? Let the voice of Kingston reply.
Saturday morning VIATOR.
At a meeting of "the Merchants and others of the town of Kingston," held pursuant to public notice at the Court House in said town, on Monday evening, September 23rd, Robert Drummond, Esq. was called to the chair, and Mr. Francis M. Hill appointed Secretary.
After a free interchange of opinion upon the object of the meeting, it was -
1. Moved by Mr. Manahan, and seconded by Mr. D.J. Smith:
That it is expedient to establish in Kingston a Joint Stock Association, to be called The Kingston Forwarding Company.
2. Moved by Mr. Harper and seconded by Mr. Bruce:
That Books of Subscriptions be forthwith opened for the formation of such a Joint Stock Company, and that the capital be £15,000, divided into 1200 shares of £12 10s. each.
3. Moved by Mr. G. Mackenzie, and seconded by Mr. Manahan:
That the following gentlemen be a Committee to draw up articles of Association, and procure subscriptions, until superceded by the election of a new Committee of Management: D.J. Smith; J.S. Cartwright; R. Drummond; John Watkins; W. McCuniffe; J. Bruce; H.C. Thomson; G.W. Yarker; and J.G. Parker, Esquires.
4. Moved by Mr. H.C. Thomson, and seconded by Mr. McCuniffe:
That this meeting be held adjourned until Friday next, at 12 o'clock noon, then to receive the report of the Committee appointed to prepare Articles of Association and receive subscriptions; and also to appoint a Committee to manage the affairs of the projected Company.
Mr. Manahan having taken the Chair, the thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. Drummond for his conduct as Chairman, and the meeting was adjourned as resolved.
R. Drummond, Chairman.
Francis M. Hill, Secretary.
At a meeting of the Merchants and others of the Town of Kingston, on Friday, September 27th, held pursuant to adjournment, at the Court House in the said town, James Sampson, Esq., was called to the Chair, and Francis M. Hill acted as Secretary.
The Report of the Committee, appointed at a former meeting, to draw up Articles of Association and collect subscriptions was read and considered.
A proposal from Messrs. McMillan, McDonell & Co., of Prescott, to become connected with the contemplated Kingston Forwarding Company, was read and discussed; as also an Estimate of the Disbursements and Receipts of a Forwarding Company.
A resolution for amending one of the Articles of Association, as reported, being under consideration, it was, in amendment,
Moved by Mr. Counter, and seconded by Dr. Baker:
That this meeting be postponed to this day fortnight, at 6 o'clock in the evening; and that in the meantime the present Committee select one or more persons to go through the country for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to the stock of the intended Company. Carried.
Accordingly the meeting was adjourned to Friday the 11th of October next.
James Sampson, Chairman.
Francis M. Hill, Secretary.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Sept. 28, 1833
- Local identifier
- KN.1041
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great