Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON), April 12, 1834
- Full Text
p.2 To the Editor of the Montreal Herald.
I am happy to be enabled to inform you that the public works on the line of the canal between Carillon and Grenville, which have been so negligently and wastefully managed, are at last, likely to be so far completed, early this spring, as to allow such craft as can pass through the Lachine Canal, to be taken direct from Montreal to Kingston, without transhipment. Much praise is due to Captain Hayne of the Royal Engineers, at present in charge. He is most indefatigable in exertion, and is as steadily attentive and laboriously engaged on the works from early in the morning, until late in the evening, as if he were a veteran contractor.
The change in the operation at Chute-au-Blondeau is wonderful, where for a length of time past, three or four hundred men were so crammed together, and so badly managed, that at times they were scarcely perceptible at a short distance to be a living mass; and now, under the superintendence of Captain Hayne, all are as continually in active motion as a hive of bees in a sunny summer's day. I most sincerely believe, that had those works been from the commencement, conducted with such skill and industry, as is now exhibited, the whole would have been completed ten years since, and at one fourth part of the expense.
It is to be hoped that Captain Hayne's praiseworthy conduct will meet with a better recompense than what has been awarded to Col. By, who was one of the most able and indefatigable conducters of a similar work, and the most ill-used and abused man that was probably ever in the British service. But such men, although jealousy may obscure for a time, their merits from a liberal government, and envy, ingratitude, and imbecility may impugn their characters, yet they have the consolation to know that they are most honourably distinguished, and that a lively sensation is felt for their interest by all good men.
The Steamboat and Forwarding Company on this route have it appears, sunk a heavy capital in constructing locks, and providing other public conveniences, notwithstanding it is reported that they are determined to second the views of government, in making this a principal route to the Upper Province, by conveying merchandise and produce cheaper than by the route of the St. Lawrence. The people of Kingston, by appreciating their own interest, will undoubtedly use every exertion to meet the enterprising Ottawa company half way. It is also generally understood, that sober, industrious and civil men, will be employed on the Rideau Canal works, the ensuing summer, to facilitate the progress of boats, etc.
Those trifling obstructions to navigation near Kingston Mills, and some other places, which the enemies of the Rideau Canal works made such a noise about last year, I have been informed, are removed.
Ottawa, April 2nd, 1834.
Constitution Steam Boat - This handsome steamer is now completed, and various improvements have been made on her original construction, well adapted to promote both the comfort and convenience of passengers. She has now a fore and an after cabin, for which, as well as the deck, passengers will be charged different prices. She will ply daily between Hamilton and York, touching at Oakville, and divide her time, so that persons residing at Hamilton or Oakville, may leave home in the morning and return same day; having at least five hours time to transact business in York. Should sufficient encouragement be given she will continue on the above mentioned route during the season; but if not, when sufficient trial has been made, will change it for some other. [Hamilton Mercury]
p.3 To the Proprietors and Managing Committees of the Various Steam Boats touching at Kingston - a repeat of earlier letter asking that steamboats not run on the Sabbath; with another letter of support.
The Splendid Low Pressure Steam Boat
Captain Whitney,
Will during the season 1834, leave the different Ports as follows, commencing on Tuesday the 29th of April, viz.:
Prescott, on every Tuesday Evening.
Brockville, Tuesday Night.
Kingston, Wednesday Noon.
Oswego, (State of N.Y.) Wednesday Evening.
Cobourg, Thursday Morning.
Port Hope, Thursday Morning.
Toronto, (late York,) Friday Morning.
Niagara, on every Saturday Afternoon at 4.
Toronto, (late York,) Sunday Morning.
Port Hope, Sunday Noon.
Cobourg, Sunday at 1 P.M.
Oswego, (State of N.Y.) Monday Morning.
Kingston, Monday Noon.
Brockville, Monday Evening.
All Baggage and Small Parcels are considered at the risk of the owners, unless given in charge to the Purser on board.
The accommodations on board the Great Britain have been much enlarged and improved during last winter; and every exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comfort to Passengers.
The above boat will await the arrival of the passengers that leave Montreal on Monday by the Upper Canada Stage.
Lake Ontario Steam Boat Office,
Prescott, 1st April, 1834.
The Fast Sailing Steam Packet
Lt. Harper, R.N., Commander.
Will, during the season 1834, leave the different Ports as follows:
Prescott, every Friday Evening.
Brockville, Friday Night.
Kingston, Saturday Noon.
Oswego, Saturday Evening.
Cobourg, Thursday Morning.
Toronto, (late York,) Monday Morning.
Niagara, every Tuesday at 10 o'clock A.M.
Toronto, Tuesday Evening.
Oswego, Wednesday Morning, at 6.
Kingston, Wednesday Noon.
Brockville, Wednesday Evening.
Is propelled by a low pressure Engine of 90 Horse Power; is Schooner Rigged; and has accommodation for 60 Cabin passengers.
The St. George will wait the arrival of the Passengers who leave Montreal by Thursday morning's stage.
No Luggage or Parcels taken charge of, unless booked and paid for. All freight payable on delivery.
N.B. - She will leave Kingston upwards on Saturday morning, the 19th inst., at 9 o'clock.
Kingston, 10th April, 1834.
Sale of Naval Stores - at Kingston, U.C. - on May 20th, a large quantity of naval stores (listed) including the Bullfrog Yard Boat, of about 60 Tons, nearly new and completely rigged, and well furnished in every respect, will make an excellent Packet. Robert Moore, Master Shipwright.
The Rideau and Ottawa Steam Boat Forwarding Company respectfully inform the public, that they will be ready at the opening of the navigation, to receive and transport Passengers, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize to and from Montreal to Kingston at the undermentioned rates:
Cabin Passengers from Montreal to Kingston, and from Kingston to Montreal, 60s. and found.
Emigrants taken at Montreal, and found through the route to Kingston, 12s. 6d., allowing to each adult 50 lbs. Baggage.
Freight of Goods, Wares and Merchandize from Montreal to Kingston, 3s. per cwt.
Freight from Kingston to Montreal as under:
Flour 2s. 3d. per bbl.
Pork 3s. 3d. do.
Ashes 6s. 3d. do.
Wheat 8 1/2 d. per bushel.
Payment of Freight will, in all cases, be exacted on delivery of the property.
Goods by this line will be put into large Barges, (which are decked all over) and not disturbed until they arrive in Kingston, and being an inland navigation, and towed by Steam Boats, Insurance may be dispensed with, with safety.
It is the intention of this Company, that these Barges, laden with goods and passengers in Montreal, will deliver the same within four days at Kingston.
Robert Drummond, Agent Kingston.
E. Cushing, Agent Montreal.
Kingston, 12th April, 1834.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 12, 1834
- Local identifier
- KN.1069
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great