Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON), Sept. 20, 1834
- Full Text
Improvement of the Province - New Steam Boat on Lake Huron.
.... A new Steam Boat called the Penetanguishene, has commenced running between the place after which it is named, and the Indian Village of Coldwater; she leaves Penetanguishene in the morning, and Coldwater in the afternoon; thus giving time to passengers, who may have arrived overnight at the Narrows, by the Peter Robinson, to cross the Portage in time to secure their passage; it touches both going and returning at the military Establishment, and concludes her daily trip at the place whence it started.....
The Boat is very neatly built, and though not entirely finished, contains excellent accommodations, there being eight berths in the gentlemen's, and seven in the Ladies' Cabin, with the means of adding more should they be required. She is commanded by Captain Borland, who served in the Militia during the late war very gallantly, and whose kind manners, and good natured attentions to strangers, combined with an intimate knowledge of Lake Huron, and all its history and traditions, render him a very fit and agreeable person to have in command.
[Toronto Courier]
For the Chronicle and Gazette.
Mr. Editor, - The irregularity of the Steamers between Prescott and Niagara, seem to have escaped the attention of our press generally, whilst the inconvenience arising from the freaks of their managers and agents, strangers and travellers are left to feel and remember.
In the absence of other remarks, permit me, through your useful journal, to convey to the public some information whereby they may learn how far reliance is to be placed on the words of agents or their advertisements.
The Britannia (says the Chronicle) will leave Kingston on Monday evening in time to meet the Montreal line of Stages at Prescott, on Tuesday morning.
She arrived this day indeed; numerous passengers were in attendance, desirous of meeting said line; to their mortification they were informed, she had the towing of a raft in view, by which something could be made. She would leave at 7 tomorrow morning. Is this not trifling with the public, whose support they assiduously petition?
Nor less palpable is the breach of faith on the part of the agent of the Great Britain, who informed the public that she would leave on Monday morning at 7 o'clock. Many depending on this special and direct information held themselves in readiness at that hour, when, to their annoyance, they were informed the boat had arrived, and departed at 2 A.M. The only reason assigned for this deviation was, that the United Kingdom had passed down last night, and if the Britain had not followed forthwith, the former would have occupied her berth at Prescott, and secured her passengers.
Does this convey satisfaction to persons who have business at stake, and depend upon the punctuality of steam boat agents and advertisements? The public are left to profit by this statement of facts, which are submitted to their consideration by
A Friend To Punctuality and Good Faith.
Kingston, 15th September, 1834.
Remarks - While we have no doubt that many complaints made against our steam boat proprietors and agents are idle and trivial - we certainly cannot defend such irregularities as are complained of by our correspondent. It is well known that the non-arrival of a steam boat at her regular hour often produces much disappointment, and sometimes a pecuniary loss; and as long as steam boats and other conveyances depend upon the public, the public should be able to depend upon them. (ed. Chron. & Gaz.)
The New, Splendid, and Fast Running
Redford Robins, Master,
Propelled By Two Superior Low Pressure Engines
of Messrs. Ward & Co.'s Manufacture, (Montreal)
Will leave Kingston for Prescott, every Monday morning and Wednesday evening, touching on her way at French Creek and Brockville.
Will leave Prescott for Kingston and the Bay of Quinte every Monday and Thursday evenings, after the arrival of the Steam Boat from below, touching on her way at the above mentioned intermediate places, and arrive at Kingston the following mornings.
Will leave Kingston for the Bay of Quinte every Tuesday and Friday mornings at 9 o'clock, and after calling at Bath, Fredericksburgh, Adolphustown, Hallowell, Culbertson's, Sophiasburgh, Belleville, River Trent, will arrive at the Carrying Place the same evening.
Will leave the Carrying Place every Wednesday and Saturday morning, after the arrival of the Western stages, and after calling at the above mentioned intermediate places will arrive at Kingston, the same afternoon.
Every attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of passengers, and particular care taken of all property regularly put on board.
Kingston, 20th Sept., 1834.
The Steamboat
(Propelled by Two Powerful Low Pressure Engines)
Capt. R.J. Van Dewater,
Will leave Kingston every Sunday Evening at 6 o'clock, for Sackett's Harbor, Oswego, Rochester, Toronto and Niagara.
Leaves every Friday Morning for French Creek, Alexandria, Brockville, Morristown and Ogdensburgh.
Sept. 15th, 1834.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Sept. 20, 1834
- Local identifier
- KN.1093
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great