Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON), Dec. 20, 1834
- Full Text
[Port Hope Warder]
At a public meeting of merchants and others of Port Hope, held at the Exchange Coffee House, on the 8th December - The following Resolutions were unanimously adopted:-
1. That whereas it appears by the result of a meeting of the Stockholders of the Steam Boat St. George, held on the 28th November last, that they "highly approve" of the general conduct of Capt. Harper towards this place during the past season, and whereas the persons composing the present meeting, having from the nature of the case, the only accurate means of forming a correct judgement on the matters in question, are satisfied of the truth and justice of the charges made against that gentleman; - it is therefore resolved - That the only resource left to the merchants of this place in order to prevent a recurrence of such treatment, is to instruct their Forwarders to retain, in future, all property for this place in their stores until opportunity of forwarding, other than by the St. George, offer.
2. That to effect the object of the foregoing resolution, a circular be prepared and signed by the merchants and others interested, and that the Secretary of this meeting transmit a copy of the same to each of the forwarding establishments in Toronto, Kingston, Brockville, and Prescott respectively.
3. That this meeting, from a conviction that the steps taken by W. Kingsmill, Esq., in regard to the conduct of the Capt. of the St. George were dictated solely by a desire to promote the interests of the inhabitants of this place, as well as those of the Stockholders of that Boat, is bound to express its regret that the praiseworthy proceedings of that gentleman should have subjected him to unfair and unhandsome treatment; and that the thanks of this meeting are due to Capt. Kingsmill for his unremitting and successful exertions to promote the prosperity of Port Hope.....
John Brown, Chairman.
M. Jellett, Jun., Sec'y.
We have given above the proceedings of another meeting at Port Hope, respecting Capt. Harper and the St. George. It would seem that some of the good people of that village have been adding forgery to persecution, as the following declaration will shew, which we saw Capt. Burns sign in our office. Capt. Harper is preparing a statement (we very much regret we could not find room for it today) in which he will again exonerate himself from the vindictive and unworthy attacks made upon his character.
Having seen a statement in the Port Hope Warder of the 16th December 1834 to which my name is attached, I hereby declare that I never signed that statement in the way in which it is there printed, and that that part of it which relates to what Capt. Harper is said to have told me, respecting the depth of water at Port Hope harbour, is not sanctioned by me; was never signed by me, and was not contained in the paper to which I put my signature. Capt. Harper never mentioned the subject to me at all.
Charles Burns.
Kingston, 20th Dec., 1834.
Notice - The Stockholders of the Steam Boat St. George are requested to meet at my Office on Saturday, the 3rd of January next, at noon. David John Smith, Kingston, 20th Dec., 1834.
The undersigned give notice, in pursuance of certain articles of agreement made on 28th August last, for the purpose of dissolving the Co-partnership existing between them, from and after the 31st instant, and for the winding up and closing the affairs thereof, that the following will be sold by Public Auction, at their Stores in Montreal, on Monday the 29th inst. at 10 A.M.
40 Shares of Stock of the Commercial Bank of the Midland District.
10 Shares of Stock of the City Bank.
5000 Shares of Stock of the St. Lawrence Marine Insurance Company.
About 50 Open, and 10 Decked Barges, with their Tackle, Apparel and Furniture. About 2700 bushels of U.C. Wheat. About three tons of Weights, with Scales and Beams, and a quantity of Bags.
At their stores in Prescott, on Monday the 5th proximo, a number of Durham Boats; the Schooner Prescott, of 130 tons burthen, with their Tackle, Apparel and Furniture; an assortment of Merchandise; a large quantity of Bags, and the necessary appendages of their Warehouses.
At Kingston, on Friday, the 9th proximo, the Furniture of their Forwarding Store, and at their establishments at Dundas and Hamilton, on Thursday, the 15th proximo, their Forwarding Stores and Appurtenances, with the Boats necessary for the trade between those places.
The undersigned give notice, that Samuel Crane, Alfred Hooker, James Henderson, and John Macpherson, are the only persons authorised to collect the debts due to the concern, and they will pay all debts due by it.
Montreal, Dec. 15th, 1834.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Dec. 20, 1834
- Local identifier
- KN.1106
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great