Posted by Bill Heinrich, 18 February 2018 at 15:13
My great, great grandfather, W.P Innes, ran a paddle wheel steamboat named Argyle on the Desjardins Canal.
This snippet is from Louise Elder's History of Canadian Canners Limited (Innes was one of the founders): "[Innes] also owned a paddle steamboat, the "ARGYLE", which plied the old Desjardins canal, carrying up to 350 passengers, and freight, between Hamilton and Dundas, until 1872."
So this appears to be his boat, though I don't think he purchased it until 1866.
Posted by [Name Withheld], 5 December 2024 at 12:38
I was doing some research on the Steamer Argyle, as my 3rd great grandfather, John Mackay, captained the boat. It appears that it was first launched in April 1864. Many of the advertisements have Cameron and Innes at the bottom of the ad!
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My great, great grandfather, W.P Innes, ran a paddle wheel steamboat named Argyle on the Desjardins Canal.
This snippet is from Louise Elder's History of Canadian Canners Limited (Innes was one of the founders): "[Innes] also owned a paddle steamboat, the "ARGYLE", which plied the old Desjardins canal, carrying up to 350 passengers, and freight, between Hamilton and Dundas, until 1872."
So this appears to be his boat, though I don't think he purchased it until 1866.
I was doing some research on the Steamer Argyle, as my 3rd great grandfather, John Mackay, captained the boat. It appears that it was first launched in April 1864. Many of the advertisements have Cameron and Innes at the bottom of the ad!
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