M O N T H L Y NEWS BULLETIN OF THE T O R O N T O Executive C o m m ittee J. H. Bascom Jay N. Bascom David Bull Roger Chapman Lorne Joyce M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L SOCI ETY Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M4W 2C7 Capt. J. Leonard G. T u rn er W. R. Wilson VOL. XXIII - NO. 8 ME E TINGS MAY 1991 As usual, there will be no formal m e e ti ng s of T. M . H . S. during the summer months, but we look forward to seeing members at the various ob se rv at io n spots around the lakes, or perhaps aboard one of TR ILL IUM 's public harbour excursions du ri ng this, her e i g h t y- fi rs t year, or aboard SEGWUN in the Muskoka Lakes. Our next re gular me et in g will be in October, when we will feature members' slides of their summer shi pw at ch in g activities. Please watch for details in the M i d - S u m m e r issue. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S N O T E B O O K The April Meeting, very well attended, feat ure d a trip with Bill Wilson to the wate rw ay s of Europe and the U . K., with views of the many paddle steamers w hi ch either still run there or were in op e r a t io n in recent years. We thank our Chief Purser for his efforts in pu tt in g together such an in te re st in g and w e l l - r e c e i v e d programme. By the time you read these words (unless you are sneaking a look during the show), our 1991 Annual Dinner Me et i n g will have come and gone, and we will have enjoyed the p r e s e n t a t i o n by member Bob Mac Do na ld on the subject of his home port of Erie, Pennsylvania. We thank Bob for his efforts on behalf of T. M . H . S. We also extend thanks to Bill Wil son for selling tickets and arrang in g the menu, and to Go rdon Turner for arra ngi ng the programme. In the New M e m b e r Department, a he arty welc ome goes out to Ronald M. Findlay of Ni ag ar a Falls, N . Y., to Capt. Sam Sta ru ch of St. Catharines, to Robert V. Fl etcher of Cheboygan, to Jo seph P. Doman of Roche ste r Hills, Michigan, to Alex L. Ma c I n t y r e of Tantallon, Nova Scotia, and to Douglas R. J o hn so n of Southampton, Ontario. * * * * * * * AFFILIATED WITH THE MARINE MUSEUM OF UPPER CANADA ISSN 0318-014X