MONTHLY NEWS BULLETIN OF THE T O R O N T O Executive Committee J. H. Bascom Jay N. Bascom David Bull Roger Chapman Lorne Joyce M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 W hitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M 4 W 2C7 Capt. J. Leonard G. T urn er W. R. Wilson VOL. XXIV - NO. MEETINGS Friday, MID-SUMMER 1992 October 2nd - 8: 00 p. m. at the Museum. Annual Autumn Slide Night Members are invited to bring up to fifteen slides each, to illustrate their summer shipwatching (or "whatever") activities. Plan to attend. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK Membership Fees for the 1992-1993 Season are Now Due and Payable. As noted on a separate page accompanying this issue, we are holding the line on fees for the coming year, despite continuing inflationary pressure on our operating costs. Accordingly, dues remain at $25. 00 per annum. We urge our members to complete the enclosed tear-off renewal form, and return it with payment as soon as possible. As with last year, there is no grace period, so if you do not renew now, this will be the last issue of "Scanner" that you will receive. Won't you please send your early remittance to the Treasurer? Many members already have renewed voluntarily without waiting for a renewal notice. Please join them as paid-up supporters of T. M. H . S. for another year. We extend our sincere thanks to all those who have kept us supplied with marine news and other items during the summer months. We cannot possibly answer each of your letters, but please know that we are very much apprecia tive of your assistance, which has helped us to prepare this issue. In the New Member Department, a hearty welcome goes out to Capt. D. A. Camp bell, of Gore Bay, to Paul Marsh, of Oakville, and to G. L. Buchanan, of Orange v i ll e . * * * * * * * AFFILIATED WITH THE M AR IN E M U S E U M OF UPPER C A N A D A ISSN 0318-014X