Marine News - cont'd. 18. Yet another of the bridges over the Welland Canal is bowing out this winter. Shortly after the close of navigation, barges were moved into place below the span of Bridge 10, the former Canadian National Railways vertical lift bridge at Thorold South, which is to be demolished during the winter. Ano ther former C. N. R. span, Bridge 20, just below the Clarence Street Bridge at Port Colborne, was dismantled last winter. As time passes, more and more of the bridges of the Welland Canal are taken out of service. The largest re duction, of course, came on the opening of the new long level section of the canal, at which time many of the bridges over the old long level remained in use for crossings, but no longer required lifting or swinging to permit ves sel traffic to pass. * * * * * LATE LAY-UP LISTINGS On the very eve of going to press with this issue, we received some addi tional lay-up reports, and having space for them, we thought it best to use them now rather than holding them for the March issue. Lorain: LANSDOWNE (former carferry). Huron: No lay-ups. Toledo: To previous list, add AMERICAN MARINER, AMERICAN REPUBLIC, ST. CLAIR, FRED R. WHITE JR. Cleveland: ALABAMA (tug), ALASKA (tug), ALPENA, ARKANSAS (tug), BEAVER STATE (tug), ANTHONY J. CELEBREZZE (firetug), CHERAW (tug), U. S. S. COD (museum), CONNECTICUT (tug), CURLY B. (tug), DELAWARE (tug), FOREST CITY (bumboat), GEORGIA (tug), GOODTIME III (excursion), JAMES HARRIS (tug), IDAHO (tug), SHIRLEY JOY (tug), WILLIAM G. MATHER (museum), U. S. C. G. NEAH BAY, NEVADA (tug), NEW HAMPSHIRE (tug), NORTH DAKOTA (tug), DAVID Z. NORTON, E. W. OGLE BAY, OHIO (tug), OREGON (tug), FRANK PALLADINO JR. (tug), BENJAMIN RIDGEWAY (tug), CARLA ANNE SELVICK (tug), VICTOR L. SCHLAEGER (tug), UTAH (tug), VIRGINIA (tug), WASHINGTON (tug). Our thanks to Greg Rudnick for these additional listings. * * * * * CALLING ALL AIRCRAFT ENTHUSIASTS T. M. H. S. member John Thompson has advised that The Aerospace Heritage Foun dation of Canada is presenting a dinner on Saturday, March 21st, at the To ronto Airport Holiday Inn, to celebrate the "First Flight" of Canada's short-lived CF-105 Avro Arrow, which took place 40 years ago, on March 25, 1958. We know that a number of T. M. H. S. members are also aircraft fans. Interested parties may contact the A. H. F. C. at P. O. Box 246, Etobicoke "D", Etobicoke, Ontario M9A 4X2, or phone (416) 323-5431. Contact via the Inter net may be made at www. ahfc. org * * * * * JANUARY ISSUE PHOTOS Three photos appeared in the January issue for which there was no reference in the text. There was supposed to be a comment on them, but the second instalment of our Roller Boat story took up so much space that we were off the last page before we realized it! In any event, the view of SCOTIADOC in trouble in the Welland Canal comes from Rev. Ray Donohue, and refers to our Mid-Summer issue Ship of the Month feature. This must be one of the last photos ever taken of SCOTIADOC. The two great views of LAKESHELL (I) came from Don Boone, of Collingwood, and they originated with a late friend of his who sailed in the tanker for several years after she came to the lakes. Don wanted to share them with our members, following our November Ship of the Month, and we did too. Our thanks to Ray and Don for their contributions to "Scanner". * * * * *