WINTER LAY-UP LISTINGS 2. We remind our readers that we will be publishing our annual list of winter lay-ups in the February issue. Accordingly, we need to hear from you as soon as possible with your report on ships wintering at ports near you. Although we mainly list major commercial vessels, we will include ferries, tugs, etc., if you will identify them as such in your report. In order for the information to be included in the February issue, we will have to receive your report by January 25th at the very latest. You may write to us at the address shown on the front cover of "Scanner", or phone your report to the Editor (evenings only) at (416) 921-8436. Kindly do NOT use the Editor's office fax number which you may have used in the past, as it may not reach us. Faxes may be sent to Gordon Turner at (416) 762-1355 and he will make certain that the Editor receives the information. Please do not think that you need not send us a report for your local port because someone else will likely do it. They won't, so if you don't send it in, chances are that we won't have the information at all. Please lend us your help with this important annual record. * * * * * OUR MID-WINTER MEETINGS If the weather we have experienced in early January is any indication, we may be in for a rough haul this winter. Accordingly, there is the possibility that either the February or March meeting may have to be can celled if conditions are too bad. How to tell if a meeting may not be held? If conditions are severe enough that transportation may be a problem, you may phone either Gordon Turner at (416) 762-3130 or the Editor at (416) 921-8436 for information. But please remember that we are not weather forecasters. It would be appre ciated if calls could be made ONLY on the Saturday morning, the day of the meeting. Thank you. * * * * * C . S . L .'S POSTWAR FLEET The latest book by T. M. H. S. member Skip Gillham is entitled The Postwar Ships of Canada Steamship Lines. A 182-page softcover, with numerous black- and-white illustrations and a colour cover, it does not attempt to deal with the corporate history of the company, but rather provides individual histo ries of 110 ships that have been in the fleet at any time from 1946 to the present. The first section deals with the fleet as it existed in 1946, while subsequent chapters detail additions to the fleet in subsequent periods. The book sells for $25 Canadian plus $3. 00 shipping to Canadian addresses, or U. S. $24. 00, postage included, to addresses in the U. S. A. All orders should be addressed to Skip Gillham, P. O. Box 443, Vineland, Ontario LOR 2C0. * * * * * 1999 SILENT AUCTION The past two years, we have run extremely successful silent auctions to ge nerate income for the Society and thus keep membership fees at their current level. A number of generous members already have donated items of marine interest for our next silent auction and we know that there are many more "artifacts" out there which would generate bidding activity. Won't you please check out your collection and notify any member of the T. M. H. S. Com mittee if there are any items you would like to donate to this worthy cause? Your assistance with this project will be very much appreciated.