MARINE NEWS 2. An unusual accident which occurred on Lake Michigan recently involved the tug UNDAUNTED and her barge PERE MARQUETTE 41, the former carferry CITY OF MIDLAND 41. The pair had departed Calumet Harbor bound for Marinette, Wis consin, the barge carrying a deckload of 5, 000 tons of pig iron. Heavy wea ther was encountered late on Saturday, October 7th, and the barge's cargo began to shift. The tug was forced to release the barge, but during this emergency procedure, the barge sliced a two foot by one foot hole in the tug's hull at the waterline. The tug made for shore as quickly as possible and grounded some 400 yards northeast of the entrance to Wilmette Harbor. The Coast Guard removed four men from UNDAUNTED by boat, while the rest re mained aboard. The barge, meanwhile, was adrift and in the 15-foot seas lost not only her pig iron deck cargo, but also her four pieces of cargo handling gear. She was located by helicopter but another tug could not get her back in tow. One of the UNDAUNTED's crew then was airlifted out to the barge and he eventually succeeded in dropping her anchor at 7: 30 a. m., Sunday, October 8th. The barge had drifted 24 miles from where she had been cut loose, and her anchor finally took hold when she was 3. 5 miles northeast of Calumet. The tug DONALD C. HANNAH then was able to get PERE MARQUETTE 41 in tow, and brought her safely into Calumet Harbor. UNDAUNTED managed to back herself off the shore on Sunday afternoon, with mattresses stuffed into the hole, and she joined her barge at Calumet. With temporary repairs put in hand, the pair sailed for Sturgeon Bay, where they arrived on October 24, then going onto the small drydock at Bay Shipbuilding. At long last, the Owen Sound Transportation Company Ltd. has been able to find a buyer for its long-idle NINDAWAYMA, (a) MONTE CRUCETA (76), (b) MONTE CASTILLO (78), (c) MANX VIKING (87), (d) MANX (87), (e) ONTARIO NO. 1 (II)(89). Built at Gijon, Spain in 1976, the ferry was intended to supplement CHI-CHEEMAUN on the Manitoulin Island service, but she saw little service due to lower than anticipated traffic demands. She has been idle at Owen Sound since 1992. NINDAWAYMA has been acquired by Verreault Navigation Inc., of Les Mechins, Quebec, and the Eastern Canada Towing tug POINT CARROLL was, at the time of this writing, expected to arrive at Owen Sound on October 27th to take NINDAWAYMA in tow. It is not at present known what Verreault Navigation intends to do with NINDAWAYMA, except that it involves neither the passenger trade nor scrapping, according to reports reaching us. Whilst on the subject of Verreault Navigation, it will be recalled that reports circulating some time ago indicated that the dredge B. V. RAYNA, (a) CHARLES R. HUNTLEY, latterly owned by Verreault, was being scrapped at the company's shipyard. We now learn that such was not the case. Early in Octo ber, B. V. RAYNA was spotted still lying at the Verreault yard, with no scrapping evident. And our mention of NINDAWAYMA brings to mind the smaller ferry UPPER CANADA, (a) ROMEO AND ANNETTE (66), built at Owen Sound in 1949. She has been men tioned in our last two issues. Although owned by Pelee Island Transportation Services, a division of Owen Sound Transportation, she latterly has been on Georgian Bay, under charter to assist on the ferry service to Christian Island operated by the Beausoleil First Nation. Now replaced on that service, she remains on Georgian Bay, but has been permanently decommission ed by Pelee Island Transportation. Last issue, we noted that the Cleveland Tankers (1991) Inc. tanker GEMINI had been observed sporting a slightly altered stack design, with a narrow red band below the blue "smokeband". We wondered if the change reflected Algoma Tankers' interest in the operation of Cleveland Tankers, but we are assured that the band was painted on "unofficially" and does not represent a change in the fleet's normal colours. We must say, however, that it looked rather good! Speaking of vessels that are looking good, we should comment that the self unloading barge McKEE SONS, currently operating under charter to Grand River