M O N T H L Y T O R O N T O N E W S B U L L E T I N O F T H E M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L VOL. XXXV - NO. 5 FEBRUARY 2003 MEETINGS Saturday, March 1st - 1: 45 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. Capt. Gerry Ouderkirk will present "Steelcraft" - A Pictorial History of Russel Bros. /Russel-Hipworth Workboats. This programme will be something entirely special, detailing the boats built by this former Owen Sound shipbuilding yard. Swansea Town Hall. Programme to be return to Friday evening for this Friday, April 4th - 7: 45 p. m. at the announced. Please note the meeting. Saturday, May 10th - Please reserve this evening for the Annual Dinner Meeting to be held, in upcoming issues. as usual, aboard JADRAN. Watch for details * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK Our January Meeting featured more photos by the late Jim Kidd, as presen ted by Ron Beaupre. The large crowd in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the show, and we extend thanks to Ron for his work in putting it together. We remind all that the March Meeting will be held on the afternoon of the first Saturday of the month, but that we will revert to first Friday eve ning for the April Meeting. And you may call Gordon Turner at (416) 762- 3130 to confirm if the weather conditions should turn majorly nasty. In the New Member Department, we extend a most hearty welcome to Robert Durand, of Port Huron, Michigan. We are pleased to have you with us in the Toronto Marine Historical Society and we hope that you enjoy your membership. * * * * * * * ISSN 0318-014X Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M 4W 2C7 Executive Committee Jay N. Bascom Roger Chapman Capt. G. O uderk irk R. F. Beaupre Lorne Joyce G. T u rn e r David Bull W. R. Wilson