p.2 -American Line of Steamers - Niagara, Ontario and Bay State to start trips, managed by Capt. H.N. Throop. -Navigation - Arabian and Princess Royal running at N.B. -Imports - 20-23; Exports - 21.
p.2 -American Line of Steamers - Niagara, Ontario and Bay State to …
p.2 Marine Intelligence We learn that the schooner Advance, Schuyler, master, on her way, Friday last, from the Galoe Islands to some port up the lake, in ballast, lost her rudder and went ashore in
p.2 Marine Intelligence We learn that the schooner Advance, Schuyler, master, on …
p.2 a dam on Rideau Canal above Smith Falls gave way - all of the works are in bad repair. The Hercules - Messrs. Calvin & Breck's steamer Hercules, which collapsed her boiler last fall near Williams
p.2 a dam on Rideau Canal above Smith Falls gave way - …
p.2 Docks at Mackinaw Carried Away - by storm. -American Line of Steamers - Change in the Programme - divided into two: the Ogdensburg owners get Jenny Lind, New York and Northerner; the Syracuse, Ro
p.2 Docks at Mackinaw Carried Away - by storm. -American Line of …
p.2 Aground - schooners Indus, Thornton, Norris and Grant aground on Flats. [Detroit Tribune 25th] -Vessel Lost - scow Antelope 10 miles below Point au Pelee. [ibid] -Disaster - brig Manchester wreck
p.2 Aground - schooners Indus, Thornton, Norris and Grant aground on Flats. …
p.2 high water levels - buildings at pier at Charlotte are submerged. -schooner A. Bradley got off in Straits of Mackinaw, sch. Fulton will be got off, brig Manchester ashore 45 miles below Cleveland
p.2 high water levels - buildings at pier at Charlotte are submerged. …
p.2 For Europe - sch. Gold Hunter, Capt. John Pomeroy. [Cleveland Herald] -Late News from the Straits - schooner Fulton to be stripped and abandoned; schooner A. Bradley got off and buoyed up with fi
p.2 For Europe - sch. Gold Hunter, Capt. John Pomeroy. [Cleveland Herald] …
p.2 Court of Queen's Bench - Case vs Benway - action over loss of barrels of cured whitefish stored on dock in Wellington in Oct. 1857; they were to be shipped by prop. Moira.
p.2 Court of Queen's Bench - Case vs Benway - action over …