p.2 high water levels at Point Pleasant, Long Point, Popular Pt. [Picton Times] -Imports - 13. -Grand Trunk Passage Ferry Boat - Messrs. Knight and Jenkins are building it at Windsor for Sarnia depot
p.2 high water levels at Point Pleasant, Long Point, Popular Pt. [Picton …
p.2 schooner Chieftain, which went ashore in October last, above Saugeen, is now at Detroit. -tug Oswego to assist brig Oleander. [Detroit Tribune 8th] -Another Vessel for the Foreign Trade - bark Al
p.2 schooner Chieftain, which went ashore in October last, above Saugeen, is …
p.2 A Quick Trip - schooner J.D. Schuyler,110 tons burden, owned by B. Flint, commanded by Capt. McIntosh Jr. left Belleville for Oswego, and returned with load in 46 hours. -Provincial Canals - Redu
p.2 A Quick Trip - schooner J.D. Schuyler,110 tons burden, owned by …
p.2 Trout Fishing in the Lake Huron Country, C.W. - sport fishing. [Rochester Democrat] -Commercial Revue - Failures in Toronto and Superior Position of Kingston Merchants - Shipping and Freight. [He
p.2 Trout Fishing in the Lake Huron Country, C.W. - sport fishing. …
p.2 The Breach On the Welland Canal - sch. Quebec of Kingston hits gate of lock 25. -U.S. schooner Watchful, Capt. Myers, leaves with light-house supplies for Lakes Erie, Ontario and St. Lawrence Riv
p.2 The Breach On the Welland Canal - sch. Quebec of Kingston …
p.2 Kingston to Montreal - a trip down the river on steamer St. Lawrence, owner John Meagher, Capt. Talbot, describes various rapids - Galoppes, Rapid des Plats, Morrisburgh (formerly Williamsburgh),
p.2 Kingston to Montreal - a trip down the river on steamer …
p.2 Mr. Quigley, the well-known submarine explorer, leaves this city on Monday for Kingston, C.W., preparatory to raising the bark R.H. Rae, capsized and sunk near the islands familiarly known as 'th
p.2 Mr. Quigley, the well-known submarine explorer, leaves this city on Monday …