145x24x7 Owned by B. C. Steam Navigation Co. 1859; B. C. & Victoria Steam Navigation Co. 1861; R. D. Dunn, Victoria 1863. Built by H. S. Murray, Victoria and launched 14/05/59. (Sternwheel) Used on F
145x24x7 Owned by B. C. Steam Navigation Co. 1859; B. C. & …
"Survey of the Northern and North Western Lakes Made in obedience to acts of Congress and under the direction of The Bureau of Topographical Engineers of the War Department South End of Lake Huron an
"Survey of the Northern and North Western Lakes Made in obedience to …
Miniature Ship. - Geo. A. Ford , Esq., has just finished a miniature ship, which excels anything of the kind ever attempted in this vicinity. The vessel is built on the clipper plan, is sixteen inche
Miniature Ship. - Geo. A. Ford , Esq., has just finished a …
A Mirage. - At about six o'clock last evening a magnificent sight attracted our attention. The peculiar state of the atmosphere caused a refraction which presented the Canada Shore, which seemed but
A Mirage. - At about six o'clock last evening a magnificent sight …
Went Ashore. - An unfortunate marine disaster occurred just off our harbor on Wednesday night. Quite a strong north west wind had sprung up that afternoon, and about eight o'clock the schooner Commer
Went Ashore. - An unfortunate marine disaster occurred just off our harbor …
"Union Village" At a meeting convened at the Cobble Stone School House, on the 7th inst. at 10 o'clock A.M. Agreeably to adjournment, Selden P. Clark took the chair, and Jonathan ...
"Union Village" At a meeting convened at the Cobble Stone School House, …
"Marine News" The schooner Northerner, Capt. Disbro, bound from Ogdensburgh to the Genesee river, was out in the gale of Saturday. She left the St. Lawrence Saturday morning, and after having been ou
"Marine News" The schooner Northerner, Capt. Disbro, bound from Ogdensburgh to the …