p.2 Lake Marine - Clearances from Toledo, Milwaukee and Chicago for Kingston. -Imports - Aug. 1-3. p.3 Ashore - On Tuesday night the schr. B. Everleigh, owned in Sacketts Harbor, and bound with over
p.2 Lake Marine - Clearances from Toledo, Milwaukee and Chicago for Kingston. …
p.2 Imports - 4. -The Cobourg Regatta - An Unexpected Failure. -Man Found - body supposed to be a sailor lost off the sch. Melrose. -Arrived - barque Thermutis from Liverpool. p.3 The Harbor - busy w
p.2 Imports - 5. -Marine Accidents - boiler of tug Tornado exploded at Oswego; prop. Brantford broke main arch coming up river; sch. Oriental was run into off Pt. Pelee by 3 schooners under tow of tu
p.2 Appalling Accident - The Tug Explosion at Oswego - Three Persons Killed -Gross Negligence - about 1 1/2 miles out; engineer fell asleep. -Imports - 8. p.3 sch. in tow of Lady Franklin ran into sc
p.2 Appalling Accident - The Tug Explosion at Oswego - Three Persons …
p.2 The Late Capt. Malcolmson - buried at Hamilton. -tug Oswego, while towing canal boats across Lake from Bay of Quinte, lost smokestack in heavy seas. -Imports - 9. p.3 Police Court - one sailor ch
p.2 The Late Capt. Malcolmson - buried at Hamilton. -tug Oswego, while …
p.2 Imports - 10. p.3 Sunk In the Canal - barge C. of M.T. Co. in Beauharnois Canal with 10,000 bushels of wheat. -Police Court - sailor charged with being drunk and assault; Capt. Golden of Oswego c
p.2 Imports - 10. p.3 Sunk In the Canal - barge C. …
p.3 Bay of Quinte - str. Bay of Quinte back on old route between Kingston and Belleville; str. Rochester was taken off for Cobourg-Rochester route. -Police Court - lad charged with stealing from cook
p.3 Bay of Quinte - str. Bay of Quinte back on old …
p.2 ad for Auction Sale of new tug Eclipse, 143 x 26 (43), 10 foot stroke, 34" cylinder. -Imports - 16. p.3 Moonlight Excursion - on str. Watertown to Cape Vincent.
p.2 ad for Auction Sale of new tug Eclipse, 143 x 26 …