p.2 The Tide Out - the Rideau Canal water level is low and City of Ottawa has been taken off route; the Wolfe Island Canal is so low that the str. Watertown has difficulty getting through; barge D is
p.2 The Tide Out - the Rideau Canal water level is low …
p.2 ad - Notice to Contractors - tenders called for work on Welland Canal. p.3 Leaking - canal boat H. Horton with ashes from Cape Vincent, towed into Oswego by prop. City of Concord , in a sinking c
p.2 ad - Notice to Contractors - tenders called for work on …
p.2 Yachting - Ina on way to Kingston for race; she will race 3 times against Gorilla at Cobourg. -Off Again - sch. Montana towed off by str. Wellington. -Justice Shop - Capt. Dickson of sch. J.G. Be
p.2 Yachting - Ina on way to Kingston for race; she will …
p.2 The Regatta - 6 boats entered for first class yacht race, course described. -A Promised Match - between Ina and Dauntless . -Imports - 21,22. p.3 Damaged Grain - 4000 bushels from Montana sold fo
p.2 The Regatta - 6 boats entered for first class yacht race, …
p.2 Kingston Regatta - mentions yachts entered, list of stewards and gives course description. -photographers should take pictures of the harbor crowded with vessels. -Amateur Aquatics - 2 young men
p.2 Kingston Regatta - mentions yachts entered, list of stewards and gives …
p.2 The Regatta - first rain, then a gale; 6 yachts in first class race, won by Dauntless. -Matched - Ina and Dauntless to race around Pigeon Island and back for $400 a side. -Imports - 25. p.3 The T
p.2 The Regatta - first rain, then a gale; 6 yachts in …
p.2 The Regatta - protests entered in all races. -The Grain Fleet - still coming, 1.2 million bushels in port. -Markets - barley shipped at Picton on schooners Star and Gearing. [Gazette] -The Wellan
p.2 The Regatta - protests entered in all races. -The Grain Fleet …
p.2 The Yacht Race - Ina beat Dauntless. -The Regatta - list of finishers and times for races. -visiting American fair-goers arrive on Picton , Watertown and Midge. p.3 Dauntless - yacht is 3 years o
p.2 The Yacht Race - Ina beat Dauntless. -The Regatta - list …