p.2 sch. New Dominion , Capt. D.M. Foster, made a run from Oswego to Kingston with 300 tons of coal, in 5 hours. -Imports - 24,25. p.3 sch. Dominion of Wellington ran into South Bay with a broken mas
p.2 sch. New Dominion , Capt. D.M. Foster, made a run from …
p.2 Vessel News - prop. Scotia struck in river near Lachine and sank alongside piers at mouth of Canal; sch. Lillie , owned by Capt. Eccles of Wolfe Island is ashore; the tug Wellington couldn't get
p.2 Vessel News - prop. Scotia struck in river near Lachine and …
p.2 str. Huron laid up in Tate's drydock, hull being taken to pieces preparatory to rebuilding. -Imports - 26. p.3 sch. Lillie , ashore on Wolfe Island, likely to go to pieces. -Schooner Missing - Ma
p.2 str. Huron laid up in Tate's drydock, hull being taken to …
p.2 Kingston is much busier than Oswego - only 1 vessel was in port of Oswego the same day that 50 were in Kingston. -Vessels Ashore On the Upper Lakes - Lillie Parsons hard on at Point au Pelee; sch
p.2 Kingston is much busier than Oswego - only 1 vessel was …
p.2 Imports - 31. -Tenders For Fuel Wood - for Canadian Nav. Co. - want 6000 cords of hardwood at port of Kingston. p.3 str. Picton is engaged running special trips from north shore ports to Prescott
p.2 Imports - 31. -Tenders For Fuel Wood - for Canadian Nav. …
p.2 The Sault Ste. Marie Canal - How the Chicora Got a Good Thing On the U.S. Officials - the Red River Expeditionary Force was concealed to get it through the canal. [Ottawa Press] -Imports - 1,2. p
p.2 The Sault Ste. Marie Canal - How the Chicora Got a …
p.2 Imports - 3,4. p.3 Aground - sch. Lafayette Cook, owned by Capt. Parsons of Kingston, is on shoal at Snake Island. -Improvements - str. Picton to get new Saloon this winter; St. Helen to get alte