p.1 Floating Facts - The tug Glide left for Montreal this morning with six barges. -The steamer Hero will not resume her regular trips until Thursday. -The sloops Minnie and Idlewild are at Breck & B
p.1 Floating Facts - The tug Glide left for Montreal this morning …
p.4 Floating Facts - The sloop Laura D. arrived light from Cornwall today. -The steamer Chieftain took a load of withes to the island today. -The sloop Lorraine is engaged carrying grain between the
p.4 Floating Facts - The sloop Laura D. arrived light from Cornwall …
p.4 Floating Facts - The prop. Persia arrived at Swift's from St. Catherines this morning. -The mail steamer Passport from Montreal was four hours late yesterday. -The schrs. Riverside and Camanche c
p.4 Floating Facts - The prop. Persia arrived at Swift's from St. …
p.4 Floating Facts - The schr. Jessie Breck has been laid up for the season. -The schr. Clara White left for Oswego, with lath, this evening. -The steambarge Reliance cleared for Oswego, with lumber,
p.4 Floating Facts - The schr. Jessie Breck has been laid up …
p.4 Floating Facts - The steamer Corsican, from Montreal, was ten hours late last night. -The Island Wanderer's trips among the islands have been discontinued. -The schr. Mystic Star will bring 20,00
p.4 Floating Facts - The steamer Corsican, from Montreal, was ten hours …
p.1 Floating Facts - Weller's Bay, Ont. has been declared a Customs outport. -The rate on corn to Kingston from Chicago is 3 1/4 cents. -The schr. Maggie McRae has arrived with a cargo of deals -The
p.1 Floating Facts - Weller's Bay, Ont. has been declared a Customs …