Does this clear things up? Maybe a little. In this article the Free Press forgot that, fortunately, newspapers and dictionaries can't determine the use of the language, only report on it. Lake sailor
Does this clear things up? Maybe a little. In this article the …
KINGSTON PACKET. - The Schr. Mariette has commenced running as a Packet from Oswego to Kingston. Leaves Oswego regularly every Monday, and as often as wind and ...
KINGSTON PACKET. - The Schr. Mariette has commenced running as a Packet …
In 1876-77 some former residents of Oswego wrote reminiscing letters of the early days there which were published in the Palladium. There were a few maritime-related items that will be of interest. T
In 1876-77 some former residents of Oswego wrote reminiscing letters of the …
Launched in 1862, the scow-schooner SARAH CLOW was no backyard sailboat - she was a significant vessel of 192 tons. The SARAH CLOW was driven ashore and destroyed by a storm in the fall of 1869. Than
Launched in 1862, the scow-schooner SARAH CLOW was no backyard sailboat - …
Obituary. George Goble . To-day Oswego mourns one of her oldest and noblest citizens in the death of George Goble, for many years one of the best known shipbuilders on the Great ...
Obituary. George Goble . To-day Oswego mourns one of her oldest and …
On the evening of the 10th inst., the schooner Bridget , with a full cargo and fifteen persons, including passengers, on board, anchored near the mouth of the St. Joseph river , and sent a part of he
On the evening of the 10th inst., the schooner Bridget , with …
The figures for the lakes appear to include only American tonnage. Though the figures don't actually add up, you get the idea. The total tonnage figure represents roughly 2,200 registered U.S. vessel
The figures for the lakes appear to include only American tonnage. Though …
This is the only instance I know of of a vessel being so totally destroyed by the action of escaping air as she sank. The fact later brought about accusations that THORNTON was totally unseaworthy at
This is the only instance I know of of a vessel being …