Kingston, Ont., Sept. 25. -- The ocean fellows, WINONA and FLORETTA, arrived here today with the rest of the fleet that have been detained by the break in the canal. They will lighten tomorrow and pr
Kingston, Ont., Sept. 25. -- The ocean fellows, WINONA and FLORETTA, arrived …
OBITUARY. -- The old bark GREAT WEST has been stripped of everything of value, and is to be towed out into the lake and scuttled. In her day she has earned lots of money, but she has now gone to deca
OBITUARY. -- The old bark GREAT WEST has been stripped of everything …
A SAD RECITAL Details at Last of the Terrible Disaster to the Schooner J. P. MARCH. Young Morey, the son of Mrs. Morey, cook on the J. P. MARCH, was well educated, his his mother spending all her har
A SAD RECITAL Details at Last of the Terrible Disaster to the …
Kingston, Ont., Sept. 14. -- The wind began blowing a gale from the southwest last night, and the water in the harbor has raised three feet. The schooner HIBERNIA, lumber laden, capsized. The WACOUST
Kingston, Ont., Sept. 14. -- The wind began blowing a gale from …
The catamaran GIROFIE GIROFIA, en route from Pultneyville to Oswego, in charge of Augustus A. Kimball, son of Captain Joseph Kimball, of Oswego, was found off Sodus Point on Friday morning in a water
The catamaran GIROFIE GIROFIA, en route from Pultneyville to Oswego, in charge …
STEAMER SUNK. -- The steambarge PETRONILLE, which loaded coal at Oswego for Henderson, July 20, sank in Henderson Harbor on her arrival. The coal is being unloaded. She will be raised.
STEAMER SUNK. -- The steambarge PETRONILLE, which loaded coal at Oswego for …