The 18 and 36 by 30 fore and aft compound marine engine that the Montague Iron Works built for Capt. Chas. Gnewuch and Edward Buckley of Manistee, Mich., for their new boat being built at Manitowoc,
The 18 and 36 by 30 fore and aft compound marine engine …
Wilson & Hendrie have closed a contract with Capt. Charles Gnewuch and Edward Buckley, Manistee, Mich., for a fore and aft compound marine engine, 18 and 36 inch cylinder, by 30 inch stroke to be ere
Wilson & Hendrie have closed a contract with Capt. Charles Gnewuch and …
The steamer Edward Buckley cleared from Chicago for Manistee, took on 400,000 feet of lumber and returned to Chicago in 46 hours and 45 minutes.-- Detroit Evening News. This is the steamer that the M
The steamer Edward Buckley cleared from Chicago for Manistee, took on 400,000 …