- Photograph of the Montreal Transportation Company freighter BANNOCKBURN in the Kingston dry dock.Photograph of the Montreal Transportation Company freighter BANNOCKBURN in the Kingston dry …
- The Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), March 1855, pp. 407-11 SCREW PROPELLERS. It has been contended for a considerable time by engineers, that the submerged propeller, as a mode of propulsion, was not the best adapted to the higher rates of speed in navigatioThe Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), March 1855, pp. 407-11 SCREW PROPELLERS. It has been contended for a considerable time by engineers, …
- The Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), April 1855, pp. 53-54 WHITTAKER'S SUBSTITUTION OF SIDE SCREW FOR THE PADDLE-WHEEL The entire success of the steamer Baltic since the removal of the side paddle-wheels, and the substitution of screws, having more fully comThe Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), April 1855, pp. 53-54 WHITTAKER'S SUBSTITUTION OF SIDE SCREW FOR THE PADDLE-WHEEL The entire success of …
- The Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), May 1855, pp. 106-11 TABLES OF THE SCHOONER CHALLENGE. In giving the mould-loft tables of this vessel, it may not be improper to make a few remarks, even though the writer and the builder should be found in the same indiThe Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), May 1855, pp. 106-11 TABLES OF THE SCHOONER CHALLENGE. In giving the mould-loft tables of this …
- The Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), May 1855, pp. 139-40 DRAUGHT AND CALCULATIONS OF THE LAKE PROPELLER "ORIENTAL." The "Oriental" was built at Buffalo, in 1854, by Messrs. Bidwell and Banta, and is the largest screw vessel on the Lakes. She is of 950 tonsThe Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), May 1855, pp. 139-40 DRAUGHT AND CALCULATIONS OF THE LAKE PROPELLER "ORIENTAL." The "Oriental" was built …
- The Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), May 1855, pp. 146-49The Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), May 1855, pp. 146-49
- Oswego Daily Commercial Times (Oswego, NY), 2 May 1907 Brower A. Morgan Brower A. Morgan, one of Oswego's oldest residents and a veteran ship carpenter, died this morning at home, No. 168 West Seneca Street. Mr. Morgan was in his eighty-third year. MostOswego Daily Commercial Times (Oswego, NY), 2 May 1907 Brower A. Morgan Brower A. Morgan, one of Oswego's oldest residents and …
- The large fishing tug, built at the Phelps shipyard, Chaumont, for Claude W. Cole, of this village, was launched last Thursday afternoon. The craft, considered to be one of the sturdiest built at ChaThe large fishing tug, built at the Phelps shipyard, Chaumont, for Claude …
- Craig, W., The Dominion Illustrated (Montreal, QU: G. E. Desbarats), 22nd June 1889, p. 393 Three photographs of the launch of the Canadian Pacific Railway steamboat MANITOBA at Owen SoundCraig, W., The Dominion Illustrated (Montreal, QU: G. E. Desbarats), 22nd June 1889, p. 393 Three photographs of the launch of the Canadian Pacific Railway steamboat MANITOBA …
- The image was mounted on the back of a portrait of a couple, which was later cropped for an oval mount.The image was mounted on the back of a portrait of a …
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