- The James Playfair interests of Montreal have taken over the shipyard here. It was stated yesterday that there was possibility that the equipment at the yard would be improved and the former workingThe James Playfair interests of Montreal have taken over the shipyard here. …
- Ogdensburg Republican-Journal, 21 Jan 1927 New Shipyard Corporation Files Papers St. Lawrence Marine Repair Dock Corporation Capitalized at $300,000 Capitalized at $300,000, the St. Lawrence Marine Repair Dock Corporation, with its headquarteOgdensburg Republican-Journal, 21 Jan 1927 New Shipyard Corporation Files Papers St. Lawrence Marine Repair Dock Corporation Capitalized …
- Pankhurst, J. F., Transactions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1893, 252-60 Chevalier De LaSalle and Father Hennepin, two French missionaries, have the historical honor of constructing the first white man's craft whose keel touched the waters of our Great Lakes. In 1678, thePankhurst, J. F., Transactions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1893, 252-60 Chevalier De LaSalle and Father Hennepin, two French missionaries, have the historical …
- News of the Ship Yards. The Barnett-Record Co. has completed the excavation for the new dry dock to be constructed at the plant of the Superior Ship Building Co., West Superior, Wis. Excavation workNews of the Ship Yards. The Barnett-Record Co. has completed the excavation …
- Palmer, Richard, Inland Seas, Summer 1988 One of the major commercial shipbuilders of 19th century Oswego was Andrew Miller. Not much is known of his personal life other than he was born in Coleraine, Ireland, May 3, 1806 and came to OswegoPalmer, Richard, Inland Seas, Summer 1988 One of the major commercial shipbuilders of 19th century Oswego was Andrew …
- The Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), January 1855, pp. 289-998 SHIP-BUIlDING ON THE LAKES. No I. BUFFALO AND THE DISTRICT OF BUFFALO CREEK, N. Y. It was originally our intention, in preparing a series of articles on Ship-building on the Lakes, to have gone backThe Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), January 1855, pp. 289-998 SHIP-BUIlDING ON THE LAKES. No I. BUFFALO AND THE DISTRICT OF BUFFALO …
- The Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), February 1855, pp. 374-77 SHIP-BUILDING ON THE LAKES. (Continued from page 298.) No. 2. The following Table will show the class, name, tonnage, by whom built, and at what ports other than Buffalo, of all Vessels built in theThe Monthly Nautical Magazine and Quarterly Review (New York, NY: Griffiths & Bates, 1855), February 1855, pp. 374-77 SHIP-BUILDING ON THE LAKES. (Continued from page 298.) No. 2. The following …
- Oswego Commercial Advertiser & Times (Oswego, NY), 20 Dec 1865 Ship Carpenters and Caulkers . - A meeting of the Ship Carpenters and Caulkers of this city is called at their Hall on next Thursday evening at 7 1/2 o'clock, and it is stated important business willOswego Commercial Advertiser & Times (Oswego, NY), 20 Dec 1865 Ship Carpenters and Caulkers . - A meeting of the Ship Carpenters …
- Oswego Commercial Advertiser & Times (Oswego, NY), 7 Mar 1874 The Ship Carpenters. On Monday the ship carpenters of this city will ask for $3 per day, instead of $2.50. Three dollars is the price paid last year, the reduction having been made during the panic lOswego Commercial Advertiser & Times (Oswego, NY), 7 Mar 1874 The Ship Carpenters. On Monday the ship carpenters of this city will …
- Mr. Andrew Miller, shipbuilder, in the Second Ward is constructing a dry dock of large dimensions, suitable for the largest class vessels at his his ship yard. It will be thoroughly built, and will bMr. Andrew Miller, shipbuilder, in the Second Ward is constructing a dry …
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