Wayne Sentinel (Palmyra, NY), 4 Aug 1824 Weighing Locks. - The Locks for weighing boats in the vicinity of this village, are now completed and ready for operation. Their construction is founded upon the known principles of hydrostatics, tha
Wayne Sentinel (Palmyra, NY), 4 Aug 1824 Weighing Locks. - The Locks for weighing boats in the vicinity of …
THE LAKE ROUTE HOME (1) The C.P.R. Steamship Alberta, at Sault Ste. Marie, passing through the locks in view of the United States troops. (2) The C.P.R. Steamship Athabasca, which brought down the Mo
THE LAKE ROUTE HOME (1) The C.P.R. Steamship Alberta, at Sault Ste. …