(Circular) Treasury Department Comptroller's Office April 20th 1815 Sir In consequence of a late enquiry made by the Collector of Oswego to this Department, I wrote him on the 17th Instant that it wa
(Circular) Treasury Department Comptroller's Office April 20th 1815 Sir In consequence of …
Toronto Telegram (Toronto, ON), 31 Mar 1945 Zero Hour on the McKinley Bill Schooner Days DCLXXXVI (686) by C. H. J. Snider Capt. John Williams, now of 50 Whitehall road, whose 88th birthday anniversary was celebrated so ...
Toronto Telegram (Toronto, ON), 31 Mar 1945 Zero Hour on the McKinley Bill Schooner Days DCLXXXVI (686) by C. …
Oswego Palladium (Oswego, NY), 30 Oct 1888 SHIPBUILDING IN OSWEGO Its Past and Present - Collector Cooley Interviewed on the Subject - He Gives some interesting Reminiscences - Attributes the Decline of the Industry Largely to High Tariff The
Oswego Palladium (Oswego, NY), 30 Oct 1888 SHIPBUILDING IN OSWEGO Its Past and Present - Collector Cooley Interviewed on …