Gathered in the Local Harbor. The scow-schooner Mary L. was totally destroyed by fire in this bay Saturday afternoon. The vessel was lying in the mud on the west shore of the bay, half way between th
Gathered in the Local Harbor. The scow-schooner Mary L. was totally destroyed …
Baileys Harbor. The schooner Starkey is at Brann's pier loading rail ties, and the scow Silver Lake is at Wohltmann's pier taking on a cargo of cordwood.
Baileys Harbor. The schooner Starkey is at Brann's pier loading rail ties, …
Gibraltar. Ephraim, June 11.-Hogenson & Tennyson's new vessel was launched on Thursday. She will be ready to sail in about two weeks with Capt. Hogenson in command and Conrad Tennyson as mate. We wis
Gibraltar. Ephraim, June 11.-Hogenson & Tennyson's new vessel was launched on Thursday. …
Gibraltar. On Tuesday the schooner Little Georgia made her first appearance for the season and took a cargo of wood. Our old friend and former townsman, Hans Gusta, is sailing on her.
Gibraltar. On Tuesday the schooner Little Georgia made her first appearance for …
Gibraltar. Ephraim, June 11. --The schooner Norman stopped at Eagle Island on her way to Washington Harbor. The schooners Elva and Roving Star loaded cordwood on Friday.
Gibraltar. Ephraim, June 11. --The schooner Norman stopped at Eagle Island on …
Throughout the County. The pier at Horseshoe Bay, now owned by J.J. Barringer, has done a profitable season's business during the past year. In fact, it never did so well before since it was built.
Throughout the County. The pier at Horseshoe Bay, now owned by J.J. …
Navigation Notes. The tugs Gregory and Lawrence are still in commission. All other craft have gone into winter quarters, and navigation as far as shipping is concerned, is practically closed for the
Navigation Notes. The tugs Gregory and Lawrence are still in commission. All …