Items of Interest. The American Ship Building Co. (consolidated ship yards of the great lakes) has just paid another quarterly dividend of 1 ¾ per cent on preferred stock.
Items of Interest. The American Ship Building Co. (consolidated ship yards of …
The fire board of the city of Buffalo opened bids a few days ago for the construction of a new fireboat. The bids received were as follows: American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, $115,000; Chicago Sh
The fire board of the city of Buffalo opened bids a few …
Johnston Bros. of Ferrysburg, Mich., are said to have secured a contract from the Arnold Transportation Co. of Mackinaw, Mich., for the construction of a passenger steamer of 175 feet length. The ves
Johnston Bros. of Ferrysburg, Mich., are said to have secured a contract …
News of the Ship Yards. The Barnett-Record Co. has completed the excavation for the new dry dock to be constructed at the plant of the Superior Ship Building Co., West Superior, Wis. Excavation work
News of the Ship Yards. The Barnett-Record Co. has completed the excavation …
Items of General Interest. What might have proved a very serious conflagration occurred at the Wyandotte yard of the Detroit Ship Building Co., a few days ago. The fire spread from the engine house o
Items of General Interest. What might have proved a very serious conflagration …