How Oswego Vessels Wear. - The Detroit Free Press has the following: Old and partially worn out crafts which from year to year are transported from the lower lakes seem to never die. Trivial repairs,
How Oswego Vessels Wear. - The Detroit Free Press has the following: …
Marine Accident. - Last evening about seven o'clock, when the schooner J.J. Bill, Captain Griffin, was being towed up the river by the tugs Crusader and Morey, she sheered badly in the current, and t
Marine Accident. - Last evening about seven o'clock, when the schooner J.J. …
List of Vessels Laid up at Oswego. The following is a list of the vessels laid up at this port for the winter of 1858-1860. We have separated the grain vessels trading between this port and the Upper
List of Vessels Laid up at Oswego. The following is a list …