Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 Opening of Navigation - water open from Bell's Island to Kingston Mills. -Opening of Navigation - sch. H. Rand passed down river in tow of tug Crawford after passing through Clerk St. bridge, onp.3 Opening of Navigation - water open from Bell's Island to Kingston …
- p.3 Opening of Navigation - sch. Quebec started from Toronto yesterday for Frenchman's Bay.p.3 Opening of Navigation - sch. Quebec started from Toronto yesterday for …
- p.2 Spring Walk No. 2 - The Wharfs of Kingston -County Court & Quarter Sessions - Ainsley vs. Sparham - Ainsley wanted $225 for 170 days labor in building a scow for defendant. "Spring Walk by the Olp.2 Spring Walk No. 2 - The Wharfs of Kingston -County Court …
- p.2 R.Y.Y.C. - election of officers for new year.p.2 R.Y.Y.C. - election of officers for new year.
- p.2 County Court - more on Ainsley vs. Sparham.p.2 County Court - more on Ainsley vs. Sparham.
- p.2 Spring Walk No. 3 - The Shipping Interest of Kingston p.3 Lake & Railway Freight Traffic At Sarnia - props. Edith , Niagara, Union , Sciota, Allegheny and 2 others to form a daily line from Chicap.2 Spring Walk No. 3 - The Shipping Interest of Kingston p.3 …
- p.3 Opening of Navigation - ice still solid in Straits. [Detroit Tribune] -Opening of Navigation - Heather Belle will probably leave Detroit for Chatham on 16th. [Chatham Planet] -Navigation - str. Pp.3 Opening of Navigation - ice still solid in Straits. [Detroit Tribune] …
- p.2 Tenders called for a carvel-built jolly boat for Commissariat. -Lighthouse Burned - on Green Island, Lake Erie - a reminder to captains. -Free of Ice - upper end of Lake Erie. -New Lake Boat - Cap.2 Tenders called for a carvel-built jolly boat for Commissariat. -Lighthouse Burned …
- p.2 Opening of Navigation at Cobourg - str. Rochester has been completely overhauled; other boats are getting ready. [Sentinel] -New Vessel - to be built at Trenton by Messrs. Gilmour - will be firstp.2 Opening of Navigation at Cobourg - str. Rochester has been completely …
- p.2 Summer Pleasures and Fishing Excursions - on steamer Fairy , bought by Capt. Craig, to visit 1000 Islands, Bay, and Canal. -Spring Walk No. 4 - Manufacturies (part) Simple as Boat Building may bep.2 Summer Pleasures and Fishing Excursions - on steamer Fairy , bought …
- p.2 Coroner's Inquest - on body of soldier who disappeared on Nov. 14th; "women were in the habit of being on board these laid up barges at that time."p.2 Coroner's Inquest - on body of soldier who disappeared on Nov. …
- p.3 Magnet to run on Saguenay route next spring and summer; Capt. Howard has been promoted to command of Kingston.p.3 Magnet to run on Saguenay route next spring and summer; Capt. …
- p.3 The First Vessel - the nondescript craft Sunshine came over from Toronto to Port Dalhousie. [St. Catherines Journal]p.3 The First Vessel - the nondescript craft Sunshine came over from …
- p.3 The Ice - open water within 300 yards of wharves; the Mail and Express boats sailed from Island to city without interruption from ice; Pierrepont , on other side of island, will come over on Mondp.3 The Ice - open water within 300 yards of wharves; the …
- p.3 Opening of Navigation at Kingston - on Saturday it was open. -Opening of Navigation at Cobourg - schooners getting ready; steamer Rochester advertised to leave on Monday next. -Kingston Imports -p.3 Opening of Navigation at Kingston - on Saturday it was open. …
- p.3 Opening of Navigation - ferry steamer Gazelle made first trip to island today; other steamers and schooners are mentioned preparing for departure.p.3 Opening of Navigation - ferry steamer Gazelle made first trip to …
- p.3 Kingston Commerce and Marine - a list detailing ship arrivals and other harbor news. [henceforth K.C. & M.] -Imports - 6. -Welland Canal to open on 13th.p.3 Kingston Commerce and Marine - a list detailing ship arrivals and …
- p.2 Export of Fish - Canadian pike are being shipped in barrels to Albany by an American. [News] p.3 K.C. & M. - the Pierrepont returned to Kingston yesterday after being repaired and cut out of thep.2 Export of Fish - Canadian pike are being shipped in barrels …
- p.3 K.C. & M. - The Harbor - Robert Gaskin and British Lion are expected up shortly from Maitland... -Imports - 8.p.3 K.C. & M. - The Harbor - Robert Gaskin and British …
- p.3 K.C. & M. - the steamer Ottawa "was on the Railway all winter, having her hull repaired, engine reversed, and having her two smokestacks taken down and replaced by one large one..." -navigation op.3 K.C. & M. - the steamer Ottawa "was on the Railway …
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