Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 examination of new ferry boat St. Lawrence , trial of loading railroad cars on with locomotive. [Prescott Telegraph]p.3 examination of new ferry boat St. Lawrence , trial of loading …
- p.2 Sheriff's Sale at Cobourg on Feb. 27 - sch. Griffon which carries about 2500 bushels, and yacht Arrow.p.2 Sheriff's Sale at Cobourg on Feb. 27 - sch. Griffon which …
- p.3 Niagara Ship Canal - enlargement of Welland Canal would postpone the building of Niagara Ship Canal. -Lake Navigation - 8 props have been purchased by railroad company to run from Detroit to Buffp.3 Niagara Ship Canal - enlargement of Welland Canal would postpone the …
- p.3 Richelieu Navigation Co. - annual meeting in Montreal.p.3 Richelieu Navigation Co. - annual meeting in Montreal.
- p.3 Frontier Consulates - Federal Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of Customs recommend appointment of consulates at St. Catherines, Coaticoke, Windsor, Port Sarnia, Toronto, Clifton, Prescp.3 Frontier Consulates - Federal Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of …
- p.2 For Sale - sch. D. McInnes, capacity 12,000 bushels, class A-l. For terms apply to E. Ritchie & Co., Hamilton.p.2 For Sale - sch. D. McInnes, capacity 12,000 bushels, class A-l. …
- p.2 Sheriff's Sale of Yacht Arrow - postponed until March 5th.p.2 Sheriff's Sale of Yacht Arrow - postponed until March 5th.
- p.3 The Grecian - iron boat being completed at Montreal to run in the Royal Mail Line in place of Empress .p.3 The Grecian - iron boat being completed at Montreal to run …
- p.3 Navigation Open - steamer Seagull running from Sarnia to Sombra and Newport. [Sarnia Observer]p.3 Navigation Open - steamer Seagull running from Sarnia to Sombra and …
- p.3 Opening of Navigation - opening dates at Kingston for last 12 years. -Wire Rigging - Capt. Gaskin has brought wire rigging very much into use since he first introduced it here. He has just sent ap.3 Opening of Navigation - opening dates at Kingston for last 12 …
- p.2 Port of Kingston -Inwards, outwards - 22 . -The Navigation - Ottawa and Corinthian left for Montreal. Schooner Minerva Cook Ashore - The schooner Minerva Cook, from Prescott with a cargo of telegp.2 Port of Kingston -Inwards, outwards - 22 . -The Navigation - …
- p.2 Descent On American Fishermen - raid on Lake Erie near Detroit River by Canadian Fisheries officers. [Essex Record] -Port of Kingston - inwards, outwards - 25. -Imports - 22,23,25. -While lying ip.2 Descent On American Fishermen - raid on Lake Erie near Detroit …
- p.1 TALK OF FIFTY YEARS AGO. Agitation For Retention of the Grain Trade. It is an old saying, and a true one, that there is nothing new under the sun. The recent agitation for the erection of a grainp.1 TALK OF FIFTY YEARS AGO. Agitation For Retention of the Grain …
- p.1 Whistlewing A Winner - "half a hundred frail, white-winged flyers" on lake; 17 boats listed for first race; details. (full column) Jan. 19, 1897 p.2 Business At Buffalo - Capt. Frank Strange, comp.1 Whistlewing A Winner - "half a hundred frail, white-winged flyers" on …
- nil Jan. 22, 1897 p.1 A New Composite Barge - W. Power, sr., marine architect and shipbuilder, delivered to the M.T. Co.'s local manager yesterdaya working model of the composite barge that the companil Jan. 22, 1897 p.1 A New Composite Barge - W. Power, …
- p.1 Incidents of the Day - The new boiler for the steamer North King arrived over the G.T.R. from Montreal this morning. Its weight is 35,000 pounds. The work of unloading it from the car began thisp.1 Incidents of the Day - The new boiler for the steamer …
- p.1 Sports - Sanford C. Calvin's new yacht to be named Blizzard; Kingston vs. Cape Vincent for Walker cup to be raced on Feb. 9th. We Will Have An Elevator - Edwin Mooers of Duluth, son of ald. Mooerp.1 Sports - Sanford C. Calvin's new yacht to be named Blizzard; …
- p.1 Annual Meeting Held - At the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Kingston & Montreal forwarding company, held in their offices at the board of trade buildings, Montreal, on Wednesday, the dp.1 Annual Meeting Held - At the annual meeting of the shareholders …
- p.2 District News - G.R. Hinckley, of Cape Vincent, wants to sell or trade the steambarge Alberta. Feb. 9, 1897 p.1 Marine Paragraphs. Capt. Cook, Gananoque, does not purpose going on the steamer Antp.2 District News - G.R. Hinckley, of Cape Vincent, wants to sell …
- p.1 Incidents of the Day - The K. & M. forwarding company put twenty-five men to work yesterday to make general repairs to the vessels wintering here. The Trial Ice Yacht Race - race to determine whop.1 Incidents of the Day - The K. & M. forwarding company …
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