Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Sails were set on the schooner Queen of the Lakes today. All the boats owned by the K. & M. F. company, wintering at Portsmouth, are being repainted. The schooner Flora Carvep.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Sails were set on the schooner Queen of the …
- p.1 Pith of the News - The schooner Echo, Capt. Smith, left Belleville for Deseronto, where she will load for Gananoque. The Echo is the first vessel to navigate the bay this season, and navigation hp.1 Pith of the News - The schooner Echo, Capt. Smith, left …
- p.1 This morning, Robert Gaskin, son of T. Gaskin, of H.M. customs, left for Duluth to join the steamer Northern Wave, one of the flyers of the Northern line, plying between Duluth and Buffalo. He hap.1 This morning, Robert Gaskin, son of T. Gaskin, of H.M. customs, …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Thomson and barge Lancaster are in the government dry dock receiving general repairs. A new shaft is being fitted in the tug Jessie Hall. The work will be completed ip.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Thomson and barge Lancaster are in the …
- p.2 Incidents of the Day - M.T. Co. officials have notified some of the oldest shovellers in the employ of the company that their services will no longer be required. Young men will take the place ofp.2 Incidents of the Day - M.T. Co. officials have notified some …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Niko cleared from Chicago on Monday with wheat for Lake Ontario ports. The tug Glide and barge Gaskin were floated out of the government dry dock today and the bap.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Niko cleared from Chicago on Monday with …
- not published - Easter April 17, 1897 p.1 Liquor Tax for Steamers in Ontario - Albany, N.Y., April 17th - The question of jurisdiction for the purpose of the collection of the liquor tax having beennot published - Easter April 17, 1897 p.1 Liquor Tax for Steamers …
- p.1 Ready To Go Through - Port Colborne, April 19th - The steamer Niko and barge Churchill arrived about 5:40 o'clock Saturday morning with corn from Chicago to Kingston, being the first arrival at pp.1 Ready To Go Through - Port Colborne, April 19th - The …
- p.1 The K. & M. forwarding company has over 400,000 bushels of corn and wheat in the Welland canal on the way to Portsmouth. The steambarge Calvin will clear from Garden Island tomorrow with her consp.1 The K. & M. forwarding company has over 400,000 bushels of …
- p.1 Raising The Massena - Brockville, April 21st - During last night the wrecking apparatus, including pontoons arrived at Maitland from Ogdensburg to release the sunken Massena. The placing of the cp.1 Raising The Massena - Brockville, April 21st - During last night …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. A new smokestack has ben placed in position on the steamer North King. The steamer America is having her new steel frame completed in Davis' dry-dock. The steamer J.E. Hall,p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. A new smokestack has ben placed in position on …
- p.2 BY WIND AND WAVE. The schooner Grantham is being fitted up preparatory to the season's business. The schooners Queen of the Lakes, Fabiola and Fleetwing are unloading coal at Swift's wharf. The sp.2 BY WIND AND WAVE. The schooner Grantham is being fitted up …
- p.2 OFFER FROM THE COMPANY. The Grain Elevator Scheme Discussed In Committee. The grain elevator committee met last evening, chairman T. Donnelly presiding, and aldermen Carson, Ryan, Livingston, andp.2 OFFER FROM THE COMPANY. The Grain Elevator Scheme Discussed In Committee. …
- p.2 Incidents of the Day - The schooner Fleetwing is lying at the Mutual dock waiting to take her place at Swift's coal hoist, to be unloaded of her cargo of coal. The Boats On Their Routes - Gananoqp.2 Incidents of the Day - The schooner Fleetwing is lying at …
- p.1 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The M.T. Co.'s steamer Bannockburn, laden with 60,000 bushels of wheat, and bound for this port, went aground at two o'clock this morning off Four Mile light, about seventy fp.1 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The M.T. Co.'s steamer Bannockburn, laden with 60,000 bushels …
- p.1 STEAMER ROSEDALE IN PORT. She Was Badly Damaged By Running On A Shoal. The big iron steamer Rosedale was caught in the snow squall on Monday night and driven ashore at Rock Island light, near Alep.1 STEAMER ROSEDALE IN PORT. She Was Badly Damaged By Running On …
- p.2 THE KINGHORN LOCATED. At 8:15 o'clock this morning the M.T. Co's barge Acadia, in tow of the tug Active, arrived up from the vicinity of Alexandria Bay, where she had been stranded on the rocks.p.2 THE KINGHORN LOCATED. At 8:15 o'clock this morning the M.T. Co's …
- p.1 Work On The Canal - Cornwall, April 30th - The dominion government has awarded the contract for the construction of the Cardinal section of the Galops Rapids canal to William E. Davis & Sons, conp.1 Work On The Canal - Cornwall, April 30th - The dominion …
- p.1 Water Let In - Cornwall, May 1st - The water was let into Cornwall canal at an early hour this morning. The tug Dunbar passed up about 10:30 a.m. but no vessels have yet come down. The big fleetp.1 Water Let In - Cornwall, May 1st - The water was …
- p.1 The R. & O. steamer Hamilton reached this port yesterday afternoon at 1:40, on her first trip of the season, from Montreal to Hamilton. She carried a very large cargo of freight, but no passengerp.1 The R. & O. steamer Hamilton reached this port yesterday afternoon …
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