Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Wells, Oswego, arrived this morning with a cargo of pea coal for Folger Bros. The schooner Jamieson, Colborne, is at Richardson & Sons' elevator with a cargo of bup.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Wells, Oswego, arrived this morning with …
- p.1 WERE IN COLLISION. Port Colborne, May 29th - The steamer Tecumseh and barges arrived here at eleven o'clock this forenoon with the crew of the steamer L. Shickluna, which was in collision with thp.1 WERE IN COLLISION. Port Colborne, May 29th - The steamer Tecumseh …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Myles cleared today for Duluth to load grain for this port. The tug Thomson with six light barges arrived from Montreal this morning. The M.T. Co.'s barges Torontop.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Myles cleared today for Duluth to …
- p.2 ALONG THE HARBOR FRONT. The tug Thomson, with four grain-laden barges, cleared last night for Montreal. The schooner Suffel cleared this morning for Charlotte to load coal for this port. The schop.2 ALONG THE HARBOR FRONT. The tug Thomson, with four grain-laden barges, …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Annie Falconer is tied up in port awaiting a charter. The schooner Katie Eccles, light, cleared last night for Oswego to load coal for this port. The schooner Nellp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Annie Falconer is tied up in …
- p.1 A Collision of Boats - L'Orignal, June 3rd - steamer Hall, while on way from Ottawa to Montreal with a full cargo, collided in bay with tug Sir Hector, which sank in three minutes. p.2 IN MARINEp.1 A Collision of Boats - L'Orignal, June 3rd - steamer Hall, …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Kate cleared today for Oswego to load coal for Crawford & Co. The tug Jessie Hall cleared last evening for Montreal with two grain laden barges. The sloop Laurap.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Kate cleared today for Oswego to load …
- p.2 ALONG THE HARBOR FRONT. The steamer St. Andrews, light, cleared last night for Duluth. The steamer Servia and consort, Duluth, wheat, was due to arrive here this afternoon. The schooner Albatrossp.2 ALONG THE HARBOR FRONT. The steamer St. Andrews, light, cleared last …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Katie Eccles, light, cleared this morning for Oswego. The tug Bronson, with two light barges, arrived this morning from Montreal. The schooner Nellie Hunter, Oswegp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Katie Eccles, light, cleared this morning …
- p.2 Incidents of the Day - This morning Calvin & Co.'s seventh raft of timber left Garden Island for Quebec. Another one will leave in a day or two. IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Jessie Hall, with one bp.2 Incidents of the Day - This morning Calvin & Co.'s seventh …
- p.1 NOTICE. VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH. The Corporation of the Village of Portsmouth is prepared, subject to ratification by the ratepayers, to grant a bonus of ($10,000) ten thousand dollars to any partyp.1 NOTICE. VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH. The Corporation of the Village of Portsmouth …
- p.1 NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the St. Lawrence River Steamboat Company (Limited) will be held at the Office of the said company, Kingston, Ont., on the first Monday in July (July 5th), 1897, at 9p.1 NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the St. Lawrence River Steamboat Company …
- p.1 ELEVATOR BONUS. VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH. The Corporation of the Village of Portsmouth is prepared, subject to ratification by the ratepayers, to grant a bonus of ($10,000) ten thousand dollars to ap.1 ELEVATOR BONUS. VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH. The Corporation of the Village of …
- p.4 Woodcut of steam pleasure yacht "Where Now" - owned by L.B. Spencer of this city, length 78 feet over all, has steel frame throughout, triple expansion engine. IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Acap.4 Woodcut of steam pleasure yacht "Where Now" - owned by L.B. …
- p.4 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Bronson, Montreal, with six light barges, arrived this morning. Called at Swift's wharf: steamer North King, Charlotte to Kingston. The tug Thomson left for Montreal thp.4 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Bronson, Montreal, with six light barges, …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Walker, with three light barges, arrived from Montreal last night. The schooner Nellie Hunter, Oswego, is at Crawford & Co.'s wharf with 375 tons of coal. The sloop Magp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Walker, with three light barges, arrived …
- p.2 Incidents of the Day - The mayor of Prescott served notice on the captain of the Columbian that the steamer would not be permitted to land there on Sunday last. The handsome American yacht Consuep.2 Incidents of the Day - The mayor of Prescott served notice …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Quebec, from Montreal, is discharging a cargo of salt at the foot of Queen street. The schooner Fabiola is unloading a cargo of coal for Collins Bay rafting compap.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Quebec, from Montreal, is discharging a cargo …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Bothnia, Garden Island to Elk Rapids, light, passed up through the Welland canal today. The steamer Clinton and consorts, Toledo to Garden Island, timber, cleared tp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Bothnia, Garden Island to Elk Rapids, …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Rosedale cleared yesterday, light, for Cleveland. The steamer Bannockburn, light, passed up through the Welland yesterday bound for Fort William. The steamer Queenp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Rosedale cleared yesterday, light, for Cleveland. …
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