Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.1 Saved The Town - Windsor, July 16th - The steamer Alberta has arrived from Fort William with a full list of passengers and a large quantity of freight... It is conceded that had it not been for tp.1 Saved The Town - Windsor, July 16th - The steamer Alberta …
- p.1 SKILLFUL WRECKING FEAT. Alderman James Stewart returned this morning from Morrisburg, after having engineered the work of raising the barge Siren, which went aground in the middle of Rapide du Plp.1 SKILLFUL WRECKING FEAT. Alderman James Stewart returned this morning from Morrisburg, …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Hall arrived from Montreal yesterday with six light barges. The tug Walker, with six grain laden barges, cleared this morning for Montreal. The schooner Nellie Hunter,p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Hall arrived from Montreal yesterday with …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Tradewind, light, left this morning for Toronto. The tug Hall cleared this morning with six grain laden barges. The tug Active with four grain laden barges clearedp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Tradewind, light, left this morning for …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Wells is in port with 200 tons of coal for Crawford & Co. She is from Oswego. The sloop Maggie L., Wolfe Island, arrived last evening with 3,800 bushels of barleyp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Wells is in port with 200 …
- p.4 BY WIND AND WAVE. The barge Siren, wrecked in the rapids, will be brought here for repairs. Capt. Vanmeer will sail the schooner Eliza Fisher in the future, as the vessel has changed hands. The Sp.4 BY WIND AND WAVE. The barge Siren, wrecked in the rapids, …
- p.1 Welland Canal Report. Port Dalhousie, July 22nd - Passed up - steamer Rosedale, Prescott to Cleveland, light; steamer Denver, Prescott to Chicago, light; barge T.R. Merritt, Hamilton to Tonawandap.1 Welland Canal Report. Port Dalhousie, July 22nd - Passed up - …
- p.1 Some Very Large Cargoes. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., July 24th - The schooner Amazon of the Corrigan line passed down through the Canadian lock this morning with a net cargo of 6,028 tons of ore, thp.1 Some Very Large Cargoes. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., July 24th - …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Nellie Hunter, Oswego, is in port with 365 tons of stove coal for Crawford & Co. The tug Bronson with four light barges arrived yesterday from Montreal, clearingp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Nellie Hunter, Oswego, is in port with …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Pilot cleared last evening for Bay of Quinte ports. The tug Jessie Hall arrived from Montreal last night with four light barges, clearing again this morning with fp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Pilot cleared last evening for Bay …
- p.1 A Steamer Driven Ashore. Point Edward, July 28th - Early this morning the steamer Cambria, of the Windsor-Soo line, struck a raft of logs floating off the point, and was driven ashore one mile nop.1 A Steamer Driven Ashore. Point Edward, July 28th - Early this …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fabiola is discharging a cargo of coal at Swift's store-house. The tug Jessie Hall, with six light barges, from Montreal, arrived in port this morning. The R. &p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fabiola is discharging a cargo of coal …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Albatross cleared, light, from Garden Island, this morning. The steamer D.W. Rust, Toledo, is in port with 38,000 bushels of corn consigned to the M.T. Co. The sp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Albatross cleared, light, from Garden Island, this …
- p.2 Incidents of the Day - The crews of the steamer Glengarry and schooner Minnedosa, together with other employees of the M.T. Co., will attend the funeral of the late Capt. Irwin in a body tomorrowp.2 Incidents of the Day - The crews of the steamer Glengarry …
- not published Aug. 3, 1897 p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Nellie Hunter is in port with 375 tons of coal for Crawford & Co. The tug Jessie Hall arrived in port today from Montreal, having fournot published Aug. 3, 1897 p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Nellie Hunter …
- p.1 Aboard The Steamer Passport - 2 ladies from Kingston on board Passport quarantined at Toronto; passengers will probably have to live in tents on Toronto Island for a while. p.2 It is said that thp.1 Aboard The Steamer Passport - 2 ladies from Kingston on board …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Nellie Hunter cleared today for Oswego to load coal for Crawford & Co. One of the new steel barges building at the locomotive works for the M.T. Co. will be launchp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Nellie Hunter cleared today for Oswego …
- p.2 BRIDGE ACROSS TO CANADA. opposition to a planned bridge across St. Lawrence from Hogansburg to Cornwall over the American channel results in a hearing - (part) Hiram A. Calvin, of the Calvin compp.2 BRIDGE ACROSS TO CANADA. opposition to a planned bridge across St. …
- p.2 THE AGREEMENT ACCEPTED. A meeting of the civic committee having the matter of the proposed grain elevator in hand was held in the city engineer's office yesterday afternoon to consider the preparp.2 THE AGREEMENT ACCEPTED. A meeting of the civic committee having the …
- p.1 Called To Prescott - On Saturday last John Donnelly, jr., was called to Prescott in the interests of owners of the steamers Colonial and C.A. Street, to make a survey of the corn which formed thep.1 Called To Prescott - On Saturday last John Donnelly, jr., was …
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