Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.1 Break In The Welland Canal - Port Dalhousie, Aug. 10th - A break occurred in the Welland canal this morning at 9:30 o'clock. The steamer Britannic bound up ran into lock six and carried away fourp.1 Break In The Welland Canal - Port Dalhousie, Aug. 10th - …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fleetwing is discharging a cargo of coal at Swift's wharf. The steamer Glengarry, Oswego, arrived this morning having in tow two coal laden barges consigned to Mp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fleetwing is discharging a cargo of coal …
- p.1 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. About thirty boats are delayed at the Welland canal by the break. The schooner Nellie Hunter cleared today for Oswego to load coal for this port. The tug Bronson went into thp.1 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. About thirty boats are delayed at the Welland canal …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Thomson, with three light barges, arrived this morning from Montreal. It is expected that as soon as locking is resumed at the Welland canal there will be a blockadep.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Thomson, with three light barges, arrived this …
- p.1 Welland Canal Report. Port Colborne, Aug. 13th - Passed down: steamers Pickands, Detroit to Prescott, wheat; Melbourne, Toledo to Montreal, general cargo; McVittie, Chicago to Ogdensburg, generalp.1 Welland Canal Report. Port Colborne, Aug. 13th - Passed down: steamers …
- p.1 To Lose The Whaleback. Chicago, Aug. 16th - It is announced that at the end of the excursion season Chicago's pride and joy, the steamer Christopher Columbus, commonly known as the whaleback, wilp.1 To Lose The Whaleback. Chicago, Aug. 16th - It is announced …
- p.2 Incidents of the Day - The steamer Tilley is expected at the M.T. Co.'s wharf this afternoon carrying 40,000 bushels of wheat from Toledo. The steamer Monteagle arrived in at the M.T. Co.'s wharfp.2 Incidents of the Day - The steamer Tilley is expected at …
- p.4 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Glengarry arrived today from Charlotte, with coal for the M.T. Co. The steamer Myles is expected at Richardson & Sons' wharf today with a cargo of wheat from Fortp.4 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Glengarry arrived today from Charlotte, with coal …
- p.1 Napanee, Aug. 19th - ....The river presented quite a busy appearance this week, three two-masted schooners and our own complement of yachts were all dodging round each other for a few days. The sp.1 Napanee, Aug. 19th - ....The river presented quite a busy appearance …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Annie Falconer is laid up in Kingston until the fall trade opens. The schooner Fleetwing is unloading a cargo of coal at Swift & Co.'s coal sheds. The steamer Mep.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Annie Falconer is laid up in Kingston …
- p.2 Incidents of the Day - The Montreal transportation company is spending on three barges being built here for them nearly as much money as an elevator would cost. The building of these barges is gip.2 Incidents of the Day - The Montreal transportation company is spending …
- p.4 ENDORSES THE TWO. A Second Elevator Controlled By The M.T. Co. Would Help Mooers. "Will the erection of an elevator by the Montreal transportation company damage the Mooers elevator?" was the quep.4 ENDORSES THE TWO. A Second Elevator Controlled By The M.T. Co. …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Acacia is discharging a cargo of coal at Swift's steam hoist today. The yacht Minnie, of Alexandria Bay, called at Swift's wharf this morning and left for a tripp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Acacia is discharging a cargo of coal …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Corn to Kingston has been chartered at Chicago at 2 5/8 c. per bushel. The schooner Fleetwing brought a cargo of coal from Oswego to Swift's last evening. The schooner Fabiolp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Corn to Kingston has been chartered at Chicago at …
- p.1 Reduced Fees at Kingston, Ont. - Washington, Aug. 26th - The state department is informed that the dominion government has reduced the fees of the dry dock at Kingston, Ont., fifty per cent, whicp.1 Reduced Fees at Kingston, Ont. - Washington, Aug. 26th - The …
- p.2 THEY FAVOR THE ELEVATOR. Board Of Trade Members Are Unanimous. A special meeting of the local board of trade was held in the city council chamber last evening to discuss the subject of the proposp.2 THEY FAVOR THE ELEVATOR. Board Of Trade Members Are Unanimous. A …
- p.2 THAT TRICKY MATE. How He Saved Himself Work And Stranded A Steamer. The above is the heading of an article in the Detroit Free Press of the 23rd inst., and those who ought to know, and who certaip.2 THAT TRICKY MATE. How He Saved Himself Work And Stranded A …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fabiola is discharging a cargo of coal at Swift's wharf today. The steamer James Swift cleared from Swift's wharf for Ottawa this morning. The schooner Nellie Hup.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fabiola is discharging a cargo of coal …
- p.1 Their Boat Upset - commandant of R.M.C. was in the R.M.C. "Mackinaw" boat when it upset off Point Frederick. p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fleetwing is unloading coal at Swift & Co.'s step.1 Their Boat Upset - commandant of R.M.C. was in the R.M.C. …
- p.1 Westport, Aug. 31st - ...The steam tug Quebec arrived here last week with 1,000 ties for the B. & W. R.R. p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Echo, Big Bay, is in port with 3,500 bushels of barleyp.1 Westport, Aug. 31st - ...The steam tug Quebec arrived here last …
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