Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Snow Bird cleared port yesterday. Two barges loaded grain at Richardsons' elevator today for Montreal. The tug Glide left for Montreal yesterday with three grainp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Snow Bird cleared port yesterday. Two barges …
- p.2 A BIG TIME EXPECTED. Ever since the big regatta was held here last August, officers of the Kingston yacht club have been busy arranging for a week's regatta to be sailed some time this summer. Thp.2 A BIG TIME EXPECTED. Ever since the big regatta was held …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Oliver Mowat sailed for Oswego yesterday to load coal. The schooner Annie Falconer is lying at the mutual wharf awaiting orders. The schooner S.H. Dunn from Tolep.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Oliver Mowat sailed for Oswego yesterday to …
- p.1 Marine Losses For May. Chicago, June 3rd - Marine insurance losses for the month of May somewhat evened up things for the underwriters for the early part of the season. About $72,200 covered thep.1 Marine Losses For May. Chicago, June 3rd - Marine insurance losses …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The yacht Ripple left port last night for the Main Ducks. The sloop Anelia cleared for Bath last evening with a load of lumber. The freight yacht Ariadne loaded salt today anp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The yacht Ripple left port last night for the …
- p.2 Sport - It is learned that the famous yacht Canada, which won the international race from the Chicago yacht, will be present during the week's yachting regatta here next month. Her sailing will pp.2 Sport - It is learned that the famous yacht Canada, which …
- p.4 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Corsican from Toronto passed down this morning. The schooner Two Brothers is lying in port light, awaiting orders. The steamer Alexandria on her way to Montreal tp.4 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Corsican from Toronto passed down this morning. …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Persia touched here this morning on her way to Montreal. The schooner Two Brothers cleared for Charlotte yesterday to load coal for R. Crawford. The steamer Spartp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Persia touched here this morning on her …
- p.1 Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Kingston Yacht Club, on Monday the 20th of June. p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The barge Dorchester is in the dry-dock for general repairs. The S.S. Algonquin cp.1 Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Kingston Yacht Club, on …
- p.2 Capt. Pierce, Portsmouth, arrived home from Floating island, Bay of Quinte, yesterday where he put a new stern in his yacht and added other improvements. THE ELEVATOR COMMITTEE. Meets The Directop.2 Capt. Pierce, Portsmouth, arrived home from Floating island, Bay of Quinte, …
- p.2 LOCAL MARINE INTERESTS. Today the deputation from the city, with the representatives from three other cities, had a conference at Ottawa with the minister of railways and canals. The interviewersp.2 LOCAL MARINE INTERESTS. Today the deputation from the city, with the …
- p.1 A day or two ago while the schooner Loretta Rooney was being dismasted one of the spars slipped and in falling struck the steamer Nichols. The wheelhouse of the steamer was wrecked and considerabp.1 A day or two ago while the schooner Loretta Rooney was …
- p.2 IT IS A BIG UNDERTAKING. Canadian Pilots Entrusted With The Venture. A despatch from Montreal states that the United States government has selected two Canadian pilots to guide two large steamersp.2 IT IS A BIG UNDERTAKING. Canadian Pilots Entrusted With The Venture. …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The M.T. company's floating elevator Ceres is on Davis' drydock for repairs. Captains of the steamers from the west say the bottom has completely fallen out of freight traffip.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The M.T. company's floating elevator Ceres is on Davis' …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Capt. Coleman Hinckley will be given the command of the steamer New York. The steamer Lake Michigan, westward bound, touched at Swift's wharf this morning. The steamer John Mp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Capt. Coleman Hinckley will be given the command of …
- p.4 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Acacia with coal for R. Crawford is expected in from Oswego this evening. Departures: Steamer Marion, Welland canal, light; tug Thomson, Montreal, six grain ladep.4 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Acacia with coal for R. Crawford is …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The elevator Ceres was released from Davis' dry dock last night. There are seven boats waiting at the M.T. company's docks to be unloaded. The schooner Fleetwing, Oswego, arrp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The elevator Ceres was released from Davis' dry dock …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer North King made her first trip down the river this season yesterday. She had a good passenger list. The steamer Caspian touched at Swift's wharf yesterday morningp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer North King made her first trip down …
- p.1 Largest Boat Built In Toronto. Toronto, June 21st - The R. & O. company's new steamer Toronto was launched this afternoon at the Bertram ship yards. About 500 invitations had been issued and a lap.1 Largest Boat Built In Toronto. Toronto, June 21st - The R. …
- p.1 The steamer Rosedale was floated out of the government dry dock last evening, and will lie alongside the dock wharf until further interior work is completed. The Rosedale entered the dock at eighp.1 The steamer Rosedale was floated out of the government dry dock …
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