Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Kate is discharging a cargo of coal at Crawford & Co.'s wharf. The schooner Valencia arrived at Garden Island this morning with a cargo of coal. The steamer Blacp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Kate is discharging a cargo of coal …
- p.1 Pith of the News - A wrecking expedition has been sent by the Inman tug line, Duluth, Minn., to the steamer Henry Chisholm, which is stranded on the Rock of Ages. The Chisholm is reported to be rp.1 Pith of the News - A wrecking expedition has been sent …
- p.1 The steamer Armenia is resting snugly in Oswego harbor. THE TUG FOUNDERED And Her Barges Beached on the Coast. WILLIAM LECUC DROWNED. The Boats Likely To Be A Total Wreck. Shortly after ...p.1 The steamer Armenia is resting snugly in Oswego harbor. THE TUG …
- p.2 MARKING NORTH CHANNEL. THE MATTER DISCUSSED BY MARINE MEN. Col. W.P. Anderson, chief engineer of the marine department, Ottawa, in the city yesterday, met members of the board of trade and severap.2 MARKING NORTH CHANNEL. THE MATTER DISCUSSED BY MARINE MEN. Col. W.P. …
- p.2 SOME MARINE MATTERS. THIRTY DAYS TO CHARLOTTE AND RETURN The schooner Eliza Fisher arrived in port yesterday morning after a long and expensive trip to Charlotte. She left here thirty days ago top.2 SOME MARINE MATTERS. THIRTY DAYS TO CHARLOTTE AND RETURN The schooner …
- p.1 A CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Toronto, Oct. 27th - There will be another Canada cup race. Yesterday afternoon the Royal Canadian yacht club, the present holder of the cup, received the following communicp.1 A CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Toronto, Oct. 27th - There will be another …
- p.1 Pith of the News - The schooner St. Peter, coal laden, Oswego to Toledo, foundered four miles west of Sodus Point yesterday morning. It is believed she carried a crew of seven men, all of whom arp.1 Pith of the News - The schooner St. Peter, coal laden, …
- p.1 Lost With All Hands. Cleveland, Oct. 29th - The steamer L.R. Doty, it is believed, was lost during the recent great storm on Lake Michigan with all hands. The Doty, owned by the Cuyahoga transitp.1 Lost With All Hands. Cleveland, Oct. 29th - The steamer L.R. …
- p.4 Handled Ten Million Bushels. Alderman James Stewart, manager of the K. & M. forwarding company at Coteau, was in the city today. He says the company has handled ten million bushels of grain at thp.4 Handled Ten Million Bushels. Alderman James Stewart, manager of the K. …
- p.1 Canal Ready For Business - St. Catharines, Nov. 1st - Navigation on the new canal, interrupted on Sunday by the carrying away of three gates by the steambarge George Spencer, will be resumed thisp.1 Canal Ready For Business - St. Catharines, Nov. 1st - Navigation …
- p.1 News of the World - Locking through the Welland canal was resumed last night, the damage caused by the steambarge George Spencer having been repaired. p.2 Personal Mention - Capt. Begg, of the bip.1 News of the World - Locking through the Welland canal was …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fleetwing cleared for Oswego last night. The steamer Richelieu still makes two trips daily to Cape Vincent. The steamer Hamilton, en route to Montreal, passed dop.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fleetwing cleared for Oswego last night. The …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Thomson clears for Montreal tonight with six grain laden barges. The schooner Cornelia arrived from Oswego last night with a cargo of coal. The tug Thomson arrived frp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Thomson clears for Montreal tonight with six …
- p.1 Likely All Drowned - 6 people left Kingsville for Pelee Island, boat capsized, floated ashore at Point Pelee. p.3 THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED. New Rules To Govern L.Y.R.A. Yachts. Saturday afternoon'sp.1 Likely All Drowned - 6 people left Kingsville for Pelee Island, …
- p.4 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Cornelia cleared for Oswego last night to load coal for Booth & Co. The D.D. Calvin and two barges, loaded with coal, passed here last night going east. The tugp.4 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Cornelia cleared for Oswego last night to …
- p.1 Heavy Winds Up West - Port Dalhousie, Nov. 10th - The steamer Topeka, which left here yesterday morning, ran back today for shelter. Other boats here windbound are the steamer Gov. Smith, steamerp.1 Heavy Winds Up West - Port Dalhousie, Nov. 10th - The …
- p.1 Three Barges In Danger - Sand Beach, Nov. 11th - A steamer supposed to be the Schoolcraft, with three barges in tow, parted company with her consorts off this port today during a heavy storm. Onep.1 Three Barges In Danger - Sand Beach, Nov. 11th - A …
- p.1 A Barge Sunk. Cleveland, Nov. 12th - The big whaleback barge No. 104, owned by the American steel barge company, parted her tow line in the harbor during the fierce gale of Thursday night , and ap.1 A Barge Sunk. Cleveland, Nov. 12th - The big whaleback barge …
- p.1 The Cornwall Bridge - Lesslie has got chains attached now. p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Last night the tug Active cleared for Prescott, light. The schooner Acacia has cleared for Oswego to load coalp.1 The Cornwall Bridge - Lesslie has got chains attached now. p.2 …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Two Brothers, Belleville, is at Richardson & Sons' elevator with 4,000 bushels of oats. The schooners Fleetwing and Fabiolawill clear today for Oswego to load coalp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Two Brothers, Belleville, is at Richardson & …
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