Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.5 Big Rush of Grain - -sch. Julia B. Merrill makes record trip to Oswego and back in 19 hours. p.6 S.S. Noronic built for Northern Navigation Co. June 3, 1913 not published June 4, 1913 p.6 I.M.C.p.5 Big Rush of Grain - -sch. Julia B. Merrill makes record …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. - Major Ferry raised by Donnelly Wrecking by sinking a barge on top, and then pumping it out; a total wreck, to be brought to Kingston, and consigned to marine graveyard. - Katp.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. - Major Ferry raised by Donnelly Wrecking by …
- p.1 finishing touches to Trent Canal. p.2 In Black and White - steamers Kingston and Toronto. p.3 IN MARINE CIRCLES. ...p.1 finishing touches to Trent Canal. p.2 In Black and White - …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Meaford passed down on Friday morning. The schooner Julia B. Merrill cleared for Oswego. The tug Emerson arrived from Montreal with three light barges, and clearedp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Meaford passed down on Friday morning. …
- p.1 TRIED TO SAVE PET DOG. When the schooner Winnie Wing was rammed by a government dredge at Napanee on Friday afternoon and sunk, reference to which is made in a Napanee despatch, Mrs. Shipman, wifp.1 TRIED TO SAVE PET DOG. When the schooner Winnie Wing was …
- p.1 THE JESSIE SPAULDING HAS LIKELY SUNK. Calumet, Mich., June 16th - That the iron ore steamer Jessie Spaulding had sunk with a crew of sixteen is feared by local vesselmen here today, and life boatp.1 THE JESSIE SPAULDING HAS LIKELY SUNK. Calumet, Mich., June 16th - …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The barge Holcomb is at Richardson's elevator, loading a cargo of corn for Cardinal. The schooner Ford River is at Richardson's wharf, loading a cargo of feldspar for Charlottep.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The barge Holcomb is at Richardson's elevator, loading …
- p.2 VESSEL RAN AGROUND. Word reached here Wednesday morning that the steamer Donnacona, of the Inland Lines, was aground six miles this side of Long Point, Lake Ontario, about forty miles from this cp.2 VESSEL RAN AGROUND. Word reached here Wednesday morning that the steamer …
- p.1 Donnacona Released - The Donnelly Wrecking company succeeded in pulling off the steamer Donnacona, at 10 o'clock on Thursday morning. The vessel ran aground near Long Point on Tuesday. The vesselp.1 Donnacona Released - The Donnelly Wrecking company succeeded in pulling off …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Donnacona, which was pulled off at Long Point, by the steamer Donnelly, arrived in port about four o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and went on to Montreal. The grainp.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Donnacona, which was pulled off at …
- p.1 TO RAISE WINNIE WING. On Saturday the Donnelly Wrecking company, of Kingston, sent an outfit to Napanee, to raise the schooner Winnie Wing, which sank in the river opposite that town a week ago Fp.1 TO RAISE WINNIE WING. On Saturday the Donnelly Wrecking company, of …
- p.1 Deckhand Drowned During a Scuffle - Paul Korthals, a young German man, fell off tug D.G. Thomson, of the Montreal Transportation company, below Iroquois. Port Credit Harbor - government has purchp.1 Deckhand Drowned During a Scuffle - Paul Korthals, a young German …
- p.1 The Late Thomas Sharman - boat builder, eldest son of the late Jacob Sharman - details of family members. p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner J.B. Kitchen is at the penitentiary wharf, with coalp.1 The Late Thomas Sharman - boat builder, eldest son of the …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Strathcona passed down on her way to Montreal on Tuesday night. The steamer Toronto was down and up on Wednesday. The steamer Belleville went down on Wednesday mornp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Strathcona passed down on her way …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Neepawah passed up on Wednesday night. The steamers Toiler and Calgary passed down. The schooner Julia B. Merrill is loading feldspar at Richardsons' wharf. The schp.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Neepawah passed up on Wednesday night. …
- p.2 The Port Abolished - Cape Vincent to be sub-port of the Ogdensburg district, history and list of all collectors from its beginning in 1818. p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Julia B. Merrill lop.2 The Port Abolished - Cape Vincent to be sub-port of the …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Lloyd Porter, undergoing repairs at this port, cleared Saturday for the Welland canal. The steamer Missisquoi made her regular trip from Gananoque to Kingston on Sap.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Lloyd Porter, undergoing repairs at this …
- p.1 WORK IS TO PROCEED ON WELLAND SHIP CANAL. Likely To Begin Within The Next Month. St. Catharines, June 30th - Chief Engineer Weller, of the Welland ship canal, work on the lower section of which wp.1 WORK IS TO PROCEED ON WELLAND SHIP CANAL. Likely To Begin …
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