p.4 WIND AND WAVE. The Bannockburn entered the Government dry-dock this morning. The steamer Rosedale, on grounding at Rock Island light, broke her wheel, which is being replaced by a new one. Three
p.4 WIND AND WAVE. The Bannockburn entered the Government dry-dock this morning. …
p.4 WIND AND WAVE Along the Wharves - What The Sailors Are Doing - Movement of Vessels -The Rosedale left for Buffalo last night. -The steamer North King opens her season's work on Sunday. -The sloop
p.4 WIND AND WAVE Along the Wharves - What The Sailors Are …
p.2 OPENING OF THE CANALS Grain men, and especially those engaged in the transportation business by canal, have been in somewhat of a state of anxiety regarding the opening of the canals, as ocean st
p.2 OPENING OF THE CANALS Grain men, and especially those engaged in …
p.1 WILL NOT INSURE PINFLATS Montreal, May 4th - The insurance companies chartered in Canada have decided not to insure barges known as pinflats, carrying grain, and no Canadian company will take a r
p.1 WILL NOT INSURE PINFLATS Montreal, May 4th - The insurance companies …
p.1 Steamer Rosedale - after being ashore in St. Lawrence, $5,000 to repair at Detroit. p.4 DRAWBACKS OF PINFLATS Why The Insurance Companies No Longer Cover Them A despatch to the papers on Tuesday
p.1 Steamer Rosedale - after being ashore in St. Lawrence, $5,000 to …
p.4 Looking For An Elevator - If the City Council does not wake up, an elevator will be erected in Portsmouth before there is one started in Kingston. A petition is being hawked about the village, an
p.4 Looking For An Elevator - If the City Council does not …
p.4 AN ELEVATOR AGREEMENT Terms Arranged By The Company And The Committee The Elevator committee met on Saturday afternoon and discussed the agreement drafted by the City Engineer between the city an
p.4 AN ELEVATOR AGREEMENT Terms Arranged By The Company And The Committee …
p.1 Capt. Trowell, of the prop. Ocean, wired the Calvin Company yesterday, from Morrisburg, saying the propeller Ocean was aground near head of rapid du plat. They despatched Capt. Doyle with the tug
p.1 Capt. Trowell, of the prop. Ocean, wired the Calvin Company yesterday, …
p.1 Winter Navigation - Sweden looking to America for information - examining ice-crushing ferry Saint Marie at Detroit dry-dock. p.4 Wind and Wave - Fabiola.
p.1 Winter Navigation - Sweden looking to America for information - examining …