Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 The Directors Meet - K. & M. F. Co. - Alex. Gunn elected President; Hon. Mr. Ross, vice-president; William Stewart, Managing Director.p.3 The Directors Meet - K. & M. F. Co. - Alex. …
- p.3 Here & There - Pierrepont undergoing repairs. Capts. John and Thomas Donnelly to Montreal for meeting of Dominion Salvage & Wrecking Co.p.3 Here & There - Pierrepont undergoing repairs. Capts. John and Thomas …
- p.3 Here & There - Mariners having applied for them, Mr. Gunn M.P. has sent us blank forms of application for use by masters and mates in the coming examinations in Kingston and other places, as wellp.3 Here & There - Mariners having applied for them, Mr. Gunn …
- p.1 Marine Examinations - A Kingstonian now in Toronto writes home about the marine examination. He says Collector Patton suffers from astheticism. "If we had such a tony collector in Kingston I shoup.1 Marine Examinations - A Kingstonian now in Toronto writes home about …
- p.1 The New Captains - The Captains of the steamers running on the upper lakes are: Commodore Anderson, late of the Campana, will sail the Athabasca; Captain Moore, late of the Quebec, will sail thep.1 The New Captains - The Captains of the steamers running on …
- p.2 Notes From Portsmouth - The shipwrights in the Forwarding Company's yard and Mr. Mitchell's yard are stirring things. The sharp tap of the cauling mallet is heard as of old. p.3 A Canal System -p.2 Notes From Portsmouth - The shipwrights in the Forwarding Company's yard …
- p.2 The New Canal - letter telling why it should be built. p.3 Portsmouth Items - Your correspondent is of the opinion that if the Dominion Government continues filling in the bay Portsmouth will soop.2 The New Canal - letter telling why it should be built. …
- p.2 EXAMINING MARINERS. On Friday next the marine examiners will begin their work here, and it is said that uupwards of one hundred skippers will be applicants for the necessary papers. The candidatep.2 EXAMINING MARINERS. On Friday next the marine examiners will begin their …
- p.2 Special Legislation - Private Bills Committee at Toronto discussing bill to exempt property of M.T. Co. and K. & M. F. Co. from taxation at Kingston; amendments.p.2 Special Legislation - Private Bills Committee at Toronto discussing bill to …
- p.2 SAILOR'S UNION. The Editor, British Whig; Sir; - I noticed that last night's paper said I had resigned. This is not true. I shall be President Tom Paddon (line unreadable) to law. I shall also sup.2 SAILOR'S UNION. The Editor, British Whig; Sir; - I noticed that …
- p.2 Contracts Awarded - for St. Lawrence canal improvements; Mr. Broder of Morrisburg will construct new Cornwall and Williamsburg Canal locks; Mr. John Nicholson dredges the Galop Rapids for $4 perp.2 Contracts Awarded - for St. Lawrence canal improvements; Mr. Broder of …
- p.3 Is There Partiality? - Capt. Smith went before the Marine Examiners on Saturday. Objection was taken to one of his papers. There was a little scene when Capt. Smith declared that two previous canp.3 Is There Partiality? - Capt. Smith went before the Marine Examiners …
- p.1 The Marine Examinations. The Editor, British Whig. "But man, proud man, Drest in a little brief authority, Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven, As makes the angels weep." Sir, - Thesep.1 The Marine Examinations. The Editor, British Whig. "But man, proud man, …
- p.3 Here & There - The profits of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co., last year, were larger than for any season during the last nine years except 1878. The gross earnings were $480,088, the expep.3 Here & There - The profits of the Richelieu & Ontario …
- p.2 MARINE EXAMINATION. Its Completion and Results A Full And Accurate Statement of the Fortunate Ones. The examiners completed their labors this morning and we now present a full and accurate statemp.2 MARINE EXAMINATION. Its Completion and Results A Full And Accurate Statement …
- p.1 Bedford Mills Notes - Capt. Wm. Scott passed exam for masters, has been captain on Rideau Canal for over 14 years. p.3 Here & There - At the marine examination yesterday C. Gaskin, Kingston, andp.1 Bedford Mills Notes - Capt. Wm. Scott passed exam for masters, …
- p.2 Inspection of Vessels - Capt. W. Taylor says he has completed his inspection of the vessels and steam craft of Ontario, and that he will present his report to the Canadian Marine Association, ofp.2 Inspection of Vessels - Capt. W. Taylor says he has completed …
- p.1 HARBORS ON LAKE ERIE. The Editor, British Whig. Sir, - There has been considerable agitation lately respecting a harbour of refuge on the north shore of Lake Erie, but the matter does not receivep.1 HARBORS ON LAKE ERIE. The Editor, British Whig. Sir, - There …
- p.1 Division Court - J.W. Brown & Co. vs. G. Nicholson - over timber shipped from Lake Opinicon on scow Martha Ann. p.3 Here & There - A.B. Cleveland, of Cape Vincent, has repurchased steam yacht Lenp.1 Division Court - J.W. Brown & Co. vs. G. Nicholson - …
- p.3 Death In Ottawa - Capt. Ralph Jones, 66, commanded str. William IV. Here & There - A new yacht club has been organized. It is called the Limestone City Club. It has now 150 names on the roll. A mp.3 Death In Ottawa - Capt. Ralph Jones, 66, commanded str. William …
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