Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The Passport has gone into winter quarters at Sorel. The schr. Elgin will load ore for Fairhaven tomorrow. The schr. King has arrived at Garden Island with timber. The schr.p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The Passport has gone into winter quarters at Sorel. …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The prop. Persia passed down this morning. The schr. Wilcox is at Garden Island with timber. The schr. Nassau passed down to Ogdensburg with grain from Chicago. Charters at Mp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The prop. Persia passed down this morning. The schr. …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. King has been chartered to carry coal from Oswego. The prop. Nassau, Cleveland, coal oil, arrived at Swift's today. The steam-barge Kingsford arrived at Oswego fromp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. King has been chartered to carry coal …
- p.3 It Would Not Be Accepted - A short time ago the schr. A. Foster arrived with a cargo of coal, 107 tons, for the Asylum, from Fair Haven. She had been chartered by Mr. Downey, of Napanee, who hadp.3 It Would Not Be Accepted - A short time ago the …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamers are delayed on the river by the fogs. The schr. Ariadne is at Swift's, from Oswego, with 300 tons of coal. The schr. B.W. Folger is loading peas at Gananoque forp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamers are delayed on the river by the …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The barge Rideau has been tied up for wages. The schr. Elgin cleared for Fairhaven today with ore. The prop. Persia from Montreal called at Swift's yesterday. The schr. Anniep.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The barge Rideau has been tied up for wages. …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. G.B. Sloan left for Sodus to load coal for the west. The schr. J.R. Noyes last evening cleared for Oswego there to load coal. The tug Active left Charlotte last nigp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. G.B. Sloan left for Sodus to load …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Rhoda Emily is in port with 30,000 bush. corn. The schr. A. Falconer has arrived at Swift's with 400 tons of coal. The schr. Freeman has gone to the Bay of Quinte tp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Rhoda Emily is in port with 30,000 …
- p.1 Bedford Mills Items - The str. Mary (sic - Mary Bedford ?) is making her usual trips on Devil's Lake. p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The Pilot cleared with lumber for Howe Island this morning. The schrp.1 Bedford Mills Items - The str. Mary (sic - Mary Bedford …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The report that the men who went to Oswego on the tow barge Mary Stockton were badly used by the captain is pronounced untrue by one of them. He says Capt. Budd could not havp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The report that the men who went to Oswego …
- p.1 The Trent Valley - gives description of Murray Canal under construction - 6 dredges. p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The prop. Cuba is shipping a wheel at Power's yard. The schr. William Elgin has arrivp.1 The Trent Valley - gives description of Murray Canal under construction …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Heney and fleet, from the same place, brought 235,000 feet of lumber. The ferry steamers carried 250 people to and from the city on Saturday last. The schrs. Gaskin ap.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Heney and fleet, from the same place, …
- p.3 A Large Sale of Grain - Yesterday afternoon the damaged grain from of the schrs. King and H.P. Murray were sold at Portsmouth by auction. Capt. Gaskin bought the schr. King's cargo, 1,840 bushelsp.3 A Large Sale of Grain - Yesterday afternoon the damaged grain …
- p.1 District Dashes - Messrs. Gearing & Bongard shipped the first cargo of barley from Picton this season, per schr. Hanlan, on Monday. The price was 58 cents, which is a pretty good figure. p.3 MARIp.1 District Dashes - Messrs. Gearing & Bongard shipped the first cargo …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Wilcox cleared from Garden Island today. The barge Cavalier has gone into winter quarters at Collinsby. The steambarge Tecumseh has gone to Bay City to load oak plap.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Wilcox cleared from Garden Island today. The …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Edmond and three barges have arrived at Breck & Booth's dock. The prop. Celtic, Montreal, and str. Corsican, Montreal, called at Swift's today. The schr. H. Dudley lep.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Edmond and three barges have arrived at …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Prussia is at Garden Island with timber. The schr. Laurie cleared today for Montreal. The Active came back from Oswego this morning, light. The schr. Benson is loadp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Prussia is at Garden Island with timber. …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Prussia cleared for Toledo today. The schr. Singapore is at Gunn's dock awaiting a cargo. The schr. Comanche brings 21,000 bush. of corn to Kingston from Chicago. Tp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Prussia cleared for Toledo today. The schr. …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Jura, from Tyrconnell, with 7,500 bushels grain, is at Portsmouth. Breck & Booth have chartered the schr. Wilcox to carry ore to Cleveland at 80 cents, free in andp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Jura, from Tyrconnell, with 7,500 bushels grain, …
- p.1 Deseronto Notes - The remains of the tug Sherwood, recently destroyed by fire, have been raised, brought to Deseronto, and hauled up on the marine railway. The boiler and engines will again be utp.1 Deseronto Notes - The remains of the tug Sherwood, recently destroyed …
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