Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Olivia, from Charlotte, is at Swift's with 200 tons of coal. The schr. Eliza Fisher is loading stone at Strachan's quarry for Cobourg. The schr. Comanche is on herp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Olivia, from Charlotte, is at Swift's with …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Rutherford cleared for Toledo this morning. The J.C. King has been chartered to load ore at Weller's Bay. The tug Edmunds and three barges cleared today for Ottawa.p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Rutherford cleared for Toledo this morning. The …
- p.3 A Surplus of Grain - After the prop. St. Magnus, from Duluth, had been unloaded at the M.T. Company's dock yesterday, it was found that she had a surplus of 1,500 bushels. The captain will sell ip.3 A Surplus of Grain - After the prop. St. Magnus, from …
- p.1 Murray Canal Demonstration - laying cornerstone; many people think shorter route would have been better. [Trenton Courier] p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steam barge Nile and barge Bedford have arrp.1 Murray Canal Demonstration - laying cornerstone; many people think shorter route …
- p.1 Foot Of The Island News - str. Crusoe at Mitchell's wharf loading barley for Richardson & Co. p.3 Incidents Of The Day - Albert Johnson bought the Empire Dry Dock this morning for $800. He securep.1 Foot Of The Island News - str. Crusoe at Mitchell's wharf …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Blanche got a 2 cent rate on her cargo from Colborne to Kingston. The prop. Scotia, Duluth, 16,000 bush. wheat; schr. Blanche, Colborne, 6,887 bush. wheat, have arrp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Blanche got a 2 cent rate on …
- p.2 Arrival Of A Yacht - The tug McArthur arrived today from Cape Vincent, having in tow the steam yacht Pastime, of N.Y. She is in charge of Mr. A.M. Kirby, superintendent of the Detroit dry dock, wp.2 Arrival Of A Yacht - The tug McArthur arrived today from …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Bangalore has been laid up at Gunn's wharf. The schr. Clara White cleared for Deseronto, light, today. The steamer Algerian passed down last night on her last trip.p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Bangalore has been laid up at Gunn's …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Half a dozen vessels are storm bound at Macdonald's Cove. The steamer Ida will in future run between Kingston, Smith's Falls and Merrickville. The schr. Singapore has been chp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Half a dozen vessels are storm bound at Macdonald's …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug McArthur arrived this morning from Port Colborne. The prop. Persia from Montreal touched at Swift's wharf this morning. The schr. Maggie McRae is here, light, from Ogp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug McArthur arrived this morning from Port Colborne. …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Shandon is insured for $8,000, on a valuation of $11,000. The steam barge Nile and barge Bedford are on their way to the city from Ottawa with 200,000 feet of lumbep.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Shandon is insured for $8,000, on a …
- p.2 Vessel Men Independent - There are at present at this port three vessel loads of stone for shipment to Cobourg and Port Hope. Yet vessels cannot be got to handle them. Captains say they will notp.2 Vessel Men Independent - There are at present at this port …
- p.1 Bedford Mills - The str. Mary Bedford is making her last trip and will be hauled out. The str. R. Anglin is loading bark for Carrington, Gananoque. The Edmund and three barges loaded and left forp.1 Bedford Mills - The str. Mary Bedford is making her last …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Gazelle is loading lumber at Deseronto for Kingston. The barge Rapid is loading 16,000 bushels of peas at Richardson's for Montreal. The tug Active and two barges,p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Gazelle is loading lumber at Deseronto for …
- p.3 Vessels Could Not Be Got - Messrs. O'Neil, T. Ward, C. Green, T. Bird and M. Moran returned this morning from the foot of Howe Island, where they opened the stone quarry, owned by Mr. Foley. Vessp.3 Vessels Could Not Be Got - Messrs. O'Neil, T. Ward, C. …
- p.2 Local Events - The men working on the shoal have ceased operations till next spring. The schr. Grantham is at Garden Island laden with timber from Toledo. The schr. Singapore arrived in port thisp.2 Local Events - The men working on the shoal have ceased …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Annie Falconer has arrived at Swift's with 300 tons of egg coal from Oswego. The barge Alice Pacey cleared from Eilbeck's dock today with 13,000 bushels of peas forp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Annie Falconer has arrived at Swift's with …
- p.3 In The Maritime Court - Yesterday Thomas Donnelly was on the stand from 11 o'clock to 6 o'clock at the Maritime Court, in the case of Donnelly vs. Ross. He testified that the wrecking company gavp.3 In The Maritime Court - Yesterday Thomas Donnelly was on the …
- p.1 Deseronto Breezes - The str. Puritan has been hauled up on the marine railway for repairs. p.3 The Conqueror Case Goes On - In the case of Donnelly vs. Ross, today, Capt. Merriman testified thatp.1 Deseronto Breezes - The str. Puritan has been hauled up on …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The str. Princess Louise has been laid up for the season. The schr. W.J. Greenwood has arrived with 10,100 bushels of barley from Napanee. The schr. H. Dudley is loading 15,0p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The str. Princess Louise has been laid up for …
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