Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. All the local yachts have been hauled out for the winter. The schr. Grantham is loading phosphate for Fairhaven. The Iolanthe gets a new stern with a view to improve her speep.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. All the local yachts have been hauled out for …
- p.1 Foot Of The Island - Princess Louise made last trip to Mitchell's wharf on Thursday. Portsmouth Jottings - Mr. Short has purchased a water lot and purposes building a wharf at which to land cordwp.1 Foot Of The Island - Princess Louise made last trip to …
- p.1 District Dashes - The first shipment of barley from Adolphustown was made on Friday last, when the schr. Hanlan was loaded. p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The M.T. Company have laid up three of their ep.1 District Dashes - The first shipment of barley from Adolphustown was …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. H. Dudley, from Oswego, is at Swift's with 300 tons of coal. The schr. Elgin has been chartered to load barley at Napanee for Oswego at 2 1/2 cents. The sloop Lorrap.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. H. Dudley, from Oswego, is at Swift's …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Erie Belle has gone to Bath for barley. The sloop W. Suffolk cleared, light, for Deseronto today. The schr. Grantham is loading 400 tons of phosphate at Richardson'p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Erie Belle has gone to Bath for …
- p.3 Late Marine News. Arrivals: props. Nashua, Cleveland, coal oil; St. Magnus, Duluth, 28,000 bush. wheat; schr. Singapore, Oswego, 328 tons coal. The sloop Moravia is loading 8,000 ft. of lumber fop.3 Late Marine News. Arrivals: props. Nashua, Cleveland, coal oil; St. Magnus, …
- p.2 The tug McArthur, while trying to get the schooner Mary Ann Lydon off Weller's Bay, ran aground herself. She swung herself off, however. Rideau Canal System - meeting at Desert Lake about schemep.2 The tug McArthur, while trying to get the schooner Mary Ann …
- p.2 Late Local News - The schr. Annie Foster, damaged in Cobourg harbour, is hauled out on Portsmouth Marine Railway. The tug McArthur arrived in port today with a broken wheel. The accident happenedp.2 Late Local News - The schr. Annie Foster, damaged in Cobourg …
- p.1 Bedford Mills Notes - The tug Edmund and barges are still on their route, having left yesterday (12th) with lumber and railroad ties, intending to make still another trip before laying up. Portsmp.1 Bedford Mills Notes - The tug Edmund and barges are still …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug A.W. Wright has gone into winter quarters. The str. Pierrepont left this afternoon for Clayton for a cargo of cheese. The steamer Reindeer which has run from Napaneep.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug A.W. Wright has gone into winter quarters. …
- p.2 Complement For George - The Port Hope Times says the Norseman has laid up for the winter. The season has not been a very profitable one, owing to cool weather during June and July. Capt. Geo. Crap.2 Complement For George - The Port Hope Times says the Norseman …
- p.2 Marine News. The schr. Herbert Dudley unloads 200 tons of coal at Breck & Booth's. The schr. Julia went aground at Consecon while loading barley. She is in no danger. The schr. Mowat loads barleyp.2 Marine News. The schr. Herbert Dudley unloads 200 tons of coal …
- p.2 PROP. CUBA SUNK On Saturday the captain of the prop. Cuba telegraphed that she was sinking opposite Alexandria Bay, and requested the assistance of a tug and lighter. Capt. Gaskin wired that thep.2 PROP. CUBA SUNK On Saturday the captain of the prop. Cuba …
- p.3 Portsmouth Marine Notes - The tug H.A. Calvin arrived at Portsmouth yesterday, with five barges from Montreal. The Marquis of Lorne is laid up, and the barge Alabama is on the ways for repairs. Tp.3 Portsmouth Marine Notes - The tug H.A. Calvin arrived at Portsmouth …
- p.1 Jones Falls - The last shipment of cheese was made by the str. Ida to Kingston. Tug Edmond and her barges passed through the locks here about the 18th inst., and found much difficulty, as the canp.1 Jones Falls - The last shipment of cheese was made by …
- p.3 A First Class Record - The str. Persia, trading between St. Catharines and Montreal, is now in winter quarters, after having completed a very successful season. She made 28 round trips, and durinp.3 A First Class Record - The str. Persia, trading between St. …
- p.2 Died - In Kingston, Nov. 28th, John Cockburn, Shipwright, aged 87 years, native of South Shields, County of Durham, England. The funeral will leave the residence of his son, William Cockburn, corp.2 Died - In Kingston, Nov. 28th, John Cockburn, Shipwright, aged 87 …
- p.2 A Very Successful Season - The str. Hero went up the Bay of Quinte this afternoon on her 193rd and last trip of the season. She will return from Deseronto and lay up here this evening. The year hp.2 A Very Successful Season - The str. Hero went up the …
- p.1 Incidents Of The Day - The schr. B.W. Folger is at Collinsby loading barley for Cape Vincent; the Clara White is at Mill Haven loading barley for Cape Vincent; the Lorraine is at Wolfe Island loap.1 Incidents Of The Day - The schr. B.W. Folger is at …
- p.3 Entertaining Capt. Craig - supper in dining saloon of str. Hero to honor Capt. Craig who "after commanding the boat for three seasons, has, on account of ill-health, given up sailing." Mr. R. McFp.3 Entertaining Capt. Craig - supper in dining saloon of str. Hero …
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