Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.1 District Dashes - steam yacht Ione of Gananoque to be much improved this season. p.2 Personal Column - Harry Nicholls, formerly purser on the str. Algerian, has been appointed to the position ofp.1 District Dashes - steam yacht Ione of Gananoque to be much …
- p.2 Incidents Of The Day - Mr. Robinson and four men from Kingston are building a scow of no mean proportions for Messrs. Sheeney & Reese at Cape Vincent. p.3 Items For the Mariners. The schr. Penokep.2 Incidents Of The Day - Mr. Robinson and four men from …
- p.1 Around About Home - H.C. Rees, Clayton, building a schooner of 15 feet keel. (sic) p.3 Incidents Of the Day - The engine of the str. Pierrepont has been erected, and she is now ready for the openp.1 Around About Home - H.C. Rees, Clayton, building a schooner of …
- p.3 COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision met yesterday afternoon. Present: Ald. Whiting, chairman; Alds. Harty and Shannon. The following petitioned for a tax reduction: Clark Hamilton, for Jamesp.3 COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision met yesterday afternoon. Present: …
- p.3 Civic Committees - M.T. Co. obstructing of street with shipbuilding material - a long standing problem.p.3 Civic Committees - M.T. Co. obstructing of street with shipbuilding material …
- p.2 Late Local News - Capt. W. Manson, Port Hope, late of schr. Cavalier, will command the steam barge Tecumseh, lying at Detroit, next season. Within the last ten years 150 sailing vessels in the Prp.2 Late Local News - Capt. W. Manson, Port Hope, late of …
- p.3 The Dry Dock Scheme - Mr. Powers is trying to raise sufficient money with which to complete his dry dock. He has corresponded with gentlemen in Toronto, who are desirous of taking shares. The sump.3 The Dry Dock Scheme - Mr. Powers is trying to raise …
- p.1 Bedford Mills - Work on the new barge is being pushed on, and she will be completed by the opening of navigation. p.3 The Steam Yacht Buckingham - The steam yacht Buckingham, which Mr. Davis is bp.1 Bedford Mills - Work on the new barge is being pushed …
- p.1 Deseronto Notes - Edward Walsh is having a ferry built at the ship yard. It will be propelled by steam, and will be known as the catamaran of the Bay of Quinte. Capt. D. O'Hagan, of the schr. Phip.1 Deseronto Notes - Edward Walsh is having a ferry built at …
- p.3 The M.T. Co.'s Case Again - about obstructing streets. Personal Column - Mr. S. Dix appointed second engineer on Frances Smith.p.3 The M.T. Co.'s Case Again - about obstructing streets. Personal Column …
- p.3 Mates Have Been Appointed - There will be no pilots engaged on the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company's steamers, plying between Toronto and Montreal, next summer. The navigation of the riverp.3 Mates Have Been Appointed - There will be no pilots engaged …
- p.3 Navigation Consideration - As far as the eye can see from Nine Mile Point through a glass no open water can be seen - late navigation. The sloop Two Brothers, Capt. Crawford, late of the Norway,p.3 Navigation Consideration - As far as the eye can see from …
- p.1 District Dashes - Capt. Bennett, of str. Farrington, next summer to run str. Magic, in connection with Jessie Bain, between Round Island Park and Clayton. p.3 Late Marine News - Messrs. W. Millerp.1 District Dashes - Capt. Bennett, of str. Farrington, next summer to …
- p.2 Incidents Of The Day - Mr. James Stewart of Portsmouth appointed 1st engineer on steambarge Resolute.p.2 Incidents Of The Day - Mr. James Stewart of Portsmouth appointed …
- p.3 Personal Column - Capt. James Miller left the city on Tuesday for Port Dalhousie, where his vessel, the Russell, one of steam barge Metamora's tow, is lying.p.3 Personal Column - Capt. James Miller left the city on Tuesday …
- p.1 EXEMPTION QUESTION . Did The M.T. Co. Violate Its Agreement With The City? Going Over All The Facts Again. It will be remembered that shortly after the inauguration of the new council, a letter wp.1 EXEMPTION QUESTION . Did The M.T. Co. Violate Its Agreement With …
- p.2 THE RICHELIEU COMPANY. Montreal, March 20th - Mr. Senecal, and Capt. Labelle, of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company, returned last evening from New York, where, at a conference with the dp.2 THE RICHELIEU COMPANY. Montreal, March 20th - Mr. Senecal, and Capt. …
- p.1 ICE IN THE LAKE Three Fourths of Lake Ontario Free of Ice Navigation Prospects Good [Oswego Palladium] The Buffalo Express publishes an item regarding the unprecedented amount of ice now ...p.1 ICE IN THE LAKE Three Fourths of Lake Ontario Free of …
- (pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Incidents Of The Day - The schr. F.J. King has been chartered by Breck & Booth to carry timber from Toledo to Garden Island. March 26, 1885 nil (pages 3 & 4 missing) ...(pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Incidents Of The Day - The …
- (pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Incidents Of The Day - Bryon Johnson, lighthouse keeper on Galloup Island, says that at times water can be seen from the lighthouse tower. The Nervana is the name of a new y(pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Incidents Of The Day - Bryon …
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