Kingston Newspaper clippings
- (pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Some Affairs At Gananoque - Capt. E.L. Bass, late master of the str. Puritan, was in the city today. The steamer Prince Arthur, owned by an American company, is being put in(pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Some Affairs At Gananoque - Capt. …
- (from originals at Queen's University - Special Collections) p.1 Parrot's Bay Driftings - The Crusoe is almost completed and will be ready for the opening of navigation, Capt. Rothwell having complet(from originals at Queen's University - Special Collections) p.1 Parrot's Bay Driftings …
- p.1 Reed's Bay Ripples - R. Davis, lighthouse keeper, Pigeon Island, is getting a new sailboat for the service. She is first-class in every respect and does credit to her builder, W.C. Wills, who isp.1 Reed's Bay Ripples - R. Davis, lighthouse keeper, Pigeon Island, is …
- p.3 The M.T. Co.'s Exemption - Yesterday afternoon the special exemption committee met and discussed the M.T. Co.'s case. As a result of the meeting we learn that the committee will recommend a stoppp.3 The M.T. Co.'s Exemption - Yesterday afternoon the special exemption committee …
- p.2 Incidents Of The Day - str. Norseman to resume trips from Port Hope to Charlotte in a few weeks. Late Local News - Capt. J. McMaugh, of St. Catharines, has been appointed to command the tug Activp.2 Incidents Of The Day - str. Norseman to resume trips from …
- (pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Timber Supply Short - Four ship carpenters, in the employ of Mr. Davis, had to stop working on Saturday on a new scow, which they have been building at Cape Vincent for Mr.(pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Timber Supply Short - Four ship …
- p.1 Shoals Of Dead Fish - at Smith's Bay. [Picton Gazette] Deseronto Echoes - Work in the shipyard is being hurried along. The new tug and steam ferry will soon be completed. p.2 ad - Large Boating Sp.1 Shoals Of Dead Fish - at Smith's Bay. [Picton Gazette] Deseronto …
- p.3 Reviving The Sailors' Union - Mr. Powers, President of the Chicago Seamen's Union, is expected here in a few days to reorganize the branch at this port. The sailors are hopeful that this year's bp.3 Reviving The Sailors' Union - Mr. Powers, President of the Chicago …
- (pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Incidents of the Day - Capt. Gowan is having the steambarge Resolute recaulked here.(pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Incidents of the Day - Capt. …
- p.1 & 2 missing p.4 General Items - Geo. Thurston, of St. Catharines, died on Friday. Some thirteen years ago he left Kingston and took charge of Shickluna's shipyard, which position he held until dep.1 & 2 missing p.4 General Items - Geo. Thurston, of St. …
- p.2 The Shipping Trade Booming - Breck & Booth today made one of the best charters for four years. They chartered the schr. Bessie Berwick lying at St. Catharines to carry 20,000 feet of elm timber fp.2 The Shipping Trade Booming - Breck & Booth today made one …
- (pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Incidents Of The Day - Capt. Rothwell, sr., is building a steambarge at Parrott's Bay. It will be 90 feet long, and its construction completed as soon as navigation opens.(pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Incidents Of The Day - Capt. …
- p.2 Late Local News - The South Shore & St. Lawrence River Wrecking Company has purchased the necessary outfit, and on the opening of navigation will have steam pumps and other necessary apparatus fop.2 Late Local News - The South Shore & St. Lawrence River …
- (pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Construction of Lighthouses - Mr. Waddell, who has the construct on Lake Huron of 6 lighthouses, leaves for the west on May 15th. Incidents Of The Day - The tugs Proctor and(pages 1 & 2 missing) p.3 Construction of Lighthouses - Mr. Waddell, …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The following will command the fleet of the M.T. Co. Tug Jessie Hall - Capt. Jas. Martin; first engineer, W. Hazlett; second engineer, J. Pendergast; mate, John Martin. Tug Bp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The following will command the fleet of the M.T. …
- p.2 Route Of The New Boat - The new steamer to be commanded by Capt. Craig, will, it is said, run from Picton to Alexandria Bay. The boat will connect with through trains of the Canadian Pacific Railp.2 Route Of The New Boat - The new steamer to be …
- p.? VIOLATED THE AGREEMENT The M.T. Company Offends But They Won't Do It Again. The special committee, appointed to consider the communication of B.M. Britton, solicitor for the Montreal Transportatip.? VIOLATED THE AGREEMENT The M.T. Company Offends But They Won't Do …
- p.3 Where Whiskey Is Plentiful - Capt. John Donnelly visits Michipicoten, Lake Superior, in connection with raising of prop. Owen Sound. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The str. Pierrepont will probably make ap.3 Where Whiskey Is Plentiful - Capt. John Donnelly visits Michipicoten, Lake …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Yesterday afternoon a representative of this paper visited Portsmouth. The little village seemed to be wrapt in slumber, the only stir being in the shipyards of Mr. Peter Mitp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Yesterday afternoon a representative of this paper visited Portsmouth. …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The officers of the str. Hero are being uniformed by Livingston Bros. The yachts Laura and Elle of Oswego have been provided with new spars. D. Walker, Belleville, has been ap.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The officers of the str. Hero are being uniformed …
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