Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Chaumont and tug Traveller have arrived, light, from Clayton. The prop. Celtic, from Montreal, passed down yesterday. She is going to Montreal. The schr. Pensaukee,p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Chaumont and tug Traveller have arrived, light, …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steambarge Nile and barges brought over today from Cape Vincent some culled railroad ties. The Empress of India has left Picton for Toronto. She will run on her old routep.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steambarge Nile and barges brought over today from …
- p.3 VIEWING A BEAUTIFUL CRAFT. Our visit to the Hero yesterday was an especially agreeable one. It is always a pleasure to go through a fine and well kept steamer, as she comes out in her spring dresp.3 VIEWING A BEAUTIFUL CRAFT. Our visit to the Hero yesterday was …
- pages 1 & 2 missing p.3 Excursion on the Hero -pages 1 & 2 missing p.3 Excursion on the Hero -
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. St. Louis has left for the Welland Canal. Capt. Barr is now in charge of the steam barge Freemason. The schr. Annie Foster is loading hay at Wolfe Island for Oswegop.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. St. Louis has left for the Welland …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Lorraine arrived from Deseronto today with wood. The government dredge Ontario is working near Anglin's saw mill. The prop. Dominion, from Montreal, passed up the lp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Lorraine arrived from Deseronto today with wood. …
- p.2 Free Canals Talked Of - [Montreal Star] First of the Royal Mail Line - Algerian to leave Montreal for west. p.3 Exploring the Harbor For Anchors - Messrs. Coulson, Kelly and Mackenzie, divers, arp.2 Free Canals Talked Of - [Montreal Star] First of the Royal …
- p.3 Timber Accident - On Saturday afternoon one of the employees of Calvin & Breck, named Clement was jammed across the shoulders against a vessel's mast by a stick of timber, which was being hoistedp.3 Timber Accident - On Saturday afternoon one of the employees of …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Empress is at the Grove Inn with bunch wood from Deseronto. The schr. Augusta is bound down from Toledo to Kingston with timber. The schr. B.W. Folger left for Charp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Empress is at the Grove Inn with …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Benson, Toledo, is at Garden Island unloading timber. The tug D.G. Thompson arrived this morning with three barges, light, from Montreal. The str. St. Lawrence willp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Benson, Toledo, is at Garden Island unloading …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamers Passport and Algerian called at Swift's wharf. A yacht, built at Clayton, for Mr. Johnson of that place, was launched today. The tug Seymour passed up this mornip.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamers Passport and Algerian called at Swift's wharf. …
- p.3 Whistling In the Harbor - steamer blowing at five a.m. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. A. Falconer is unloading coal at Toronto. The schr. Elgin has arrived from Charlotte with 300 tons of soft cop.3 Whistling In the Harbor - steamer blowing at five a.m. MARINE …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Lafonier has arrived from Toledo. She has coal for Brockville. The schr. Benson arrived at Garden Island today from Toledo with timber. The schrs. Ganges and L.A. Bp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Lafonier has arrived from Toledo. She has …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Clara White has arrived from Charlotte with 120 tons coal for Crawford. The schr. Elgin is expected to clear for Charlotte today to load coal for Toronto. The schr.p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Clara White has arrived from Charlotte with …
- p.3 A Very Fast Steamer - The steamer Hero ran from Kington to Bath on Friday, stopping at Amherst Island, in one hour and fifteen minutes. Leaving the Sailors' Union - Twelve members of the Seamen'sp.3 A Very Fast Steamer - The steamer Hero ran from Kington …
- p.2 St. Lawrence Tolls - p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Bessie Berwick has cleared from Garden Island for Toledo. The Lorraine is loading posts and lumber at Rathbun's for Wolfe Island. The tug Dp.2 St. Lawrence Tolls - p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. Bessie Berwick …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Peerless has arrived with phosphate. Steamboat travel between Clayton and Kingston has fallen off considerably compared with that of last season. The tug Folger pp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Peerless has arrived with phosphate. Steamboat travel …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The str. Rideau Belle is on Davis' dry dock receiving false sides. The prop. Cuba arrived from Chicago, with a cargo of corn. She will lighten 7,000 bushels and proceed to Mop.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The str. Rideau Belle is on Davis' dry dock …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Lorraine took a load of posts to Wolfe Island. The schrs. Bell and Two Brothers left light for Deseronto. The schr. Gleniffer cleared for the canal last night. Shep.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Lorraine took a load of posts to …
- p.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Parmelia, Clayton, has arrived, light. The steamer Maud has had her mirrors placed in position. They are in elegant plush frames. The tug Seymour passed up the Amerp.3 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloop Parmelia, Clayton, has arrived, light. The steamer …
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