Kingston Newspaper clippings
- (p.3 & 4 missing) p.2 General Items - Capt. John Gibson, a well-known lake sailor, died suddenly at his home, Oswego, on Tuesday. Captain Gibson had commanded a great many vessels on the lakes and wa(p.3 & 4 missing) p.2 General Items - Capt. John Gibson, a …
- (missing p. 7 & 8) p.2 General Items - Messrs. Breck & Booth have contracted to repair the schr. T.J. King, owned by Messrs. Dunnan & Griffin, of Chicago. The schooner lies at Garden Island. She will(missing p. 7 & 8) p.2 General Items - Messrs. Breck & …
- p.1 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. N.T. Greewood has gone to St. John's Island, to load stone for Port Hope. Extensive improvements have been made at Eilbeck's elevator during the past few months. Ap.1 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schr. N.T. Greewood has gone to St. John's …
- p.2 Drowned Near Chicago - Michael Patrick Scanlon off schr. Belle Brown, on way from Green Bay, six miles off Chicago.p.2 Drowned Near Chicago - Michael Patrick Scanlon off schr. Belle Brown, …
- p.2 New Steamers For the River - Mr. Pierce, who designed the steamer St. Lawrence, has drafted plans for two steamers, similar to the St. Lawrence in construction and equipment, for the C.P.R. The sp.2 New Steamers For the River - Mr. Pierce, who designed the …
- p.5 Daily Whig, 13th BARGE ACCIDENT Last evening the tug Traveller (Capt. J. Sullivan) left Portsmouth with the barges Beauport and Adventure for Montreal. The Beauport carried 400,000 feet of deals,p.5 Daily Whig, 13th BARGE ACCIDENT Last evening the tug Traveller (Capt. …
- p.2 General Items - When the barge Adventure struck down the river two of the sailors leaped into the water and had to swim a mile before shore was reached. Thursday the schooner Cornelia, Capt. Hollp.2 General Items - When the barge Adventure struck down the river …
- p.2 Survey of Canal Waters - F.A. Wise, the government engineer, having a steam yacht and helpers, is prosecuting the survey of the Rideau Canal waters between Washburn and Kingston Mills, to reach ap.2 Survey of Canal Waters - F.A. Wise, the government engineer, having …
- p.1 EXPLOSION ON A TUG Sombra, Ont., Nov. 2nd - The tug Frank Moffat, owned by the Moffat Line of Port Huron, while coming alongside of the dock at Sombra village on Sunday morning at about 1 o'clockp.1 EXPLOSION ON A TUG Sombra, Ont., Nov. 2nd - The tug …
- (missing pages 3 & 4) p.2 General Items - Captain John McDowell, of the ill-fated schooner George B. Sloan, had a trunk containing clothing stolen from where it had been left by the life-saving crew.(missing pages 3 & 4) p.2 General Items - Captain John McDowell, …
- (missing pages 1-6) p.8 Great Catch of Fish - One of the employees of Clark & Robbins, who have fish stations at Sackett's Harbor, Buffalo and Toronto, says the catch during the past season has been(missing pages 1-6) p.8 Great Catch of Fish - One of the …
- (missing pages 3 & 4) p.2 General Items - Twenty-five years ago yesterday (Nov. 25th) the barque Tornado was wrecked on Wolfe Island and the crew washed overboard and lost before she struck. The weat(missing pages 3 & 4) p.2 General Items - Twenty-five years ago …
- p.2 General Items - The tug Wheeler, owned by Littlejohn & Co., was burned at Oswego Tuesday night. Loss $2,500. No insurance. The hull of the steambarge Indian drifted from where it was laying and wp.2 General Items - The tug Wheeler, owned by Littlejohn & Co., …
- (missing pages 1 & 2) p.5 THE PAST AND PRESENT Reminiscences In the Life of An Old Resident of Wolfe Island. ...There was a ferry at this time between the island and Kingston, managed by Mr. Hitchcoc(missing pages 1 & 2) p.5 THE PAST AND PRESENT Reminiscences In …
- p.2 A Very Good Record. Last season the prop. Persia, commanded by Capt. J.H. Scott, of this city, made twenty-six round trips between St. Catharines and Montreal, covering 19,745 miles. Of this distp.2 A Very Good Record. Last season the prop. Persia, commanded by …
- 1886 DAILY BRITISH WHIG (available on microfilm at Queen's University - Stauffer Library, and the Kingston Public Library) Jan. 2, 1886 nil1886 DAILY BRITISH WHIG (available on microfilm at Queen's University - Stauffer …
- p.2 Two steamers have just passed through the Straits of Mackinaw, and the mild weather prophets should make due note of the fact, which is said to be without a parallel in the history of Lake Michigp.2 Two steamers have just passed through the Straits of Mackinaw, and …
- p.1 Knights of Labour - a history. p.3 The Board of Trade - H.Calvin, J. Gaskin and W. Lesslie elected to Board of Trade.p.1 Knights of Labour - a history. p.3 The Board of Trade …
- p.3 A H'YE LIKE AN EAGLE (biography of James Duncan Thompson) - (part) "...J.D. was born in Montreal in 1847, and educated in the normal and model schools of the metropolis....After leaving school hep.3 A H'YE LIKE AN EAGLE (biography of James Duncan Thompson) - …
- p.1 He Has Undisputed Sway - Mr. Senecal trying to get monopoly of St. Lawrence for R. & O. Company; arrangements completed for amalgamation with Longueuil Navigation Company.p.1 He Has Undisputed Sway - Mr. Senecal trying to get monopoly …
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