p.2 On Wednesday evening the steamboat Union arrived at Kingston Mills from Bytown, but owing to the water having fallen nearly two feet and exposed the sunken rock at this side of the coffer dam, sh
p.2 On Wednesday evening the steamboat Union arrived at Kingston Mills from …
p.2 A meeting of the inhabitants of Cobourg took place on Monday, the 3rd of December, when among other Resolutions, it was determined to build a steamboat of three hundred tons burthen, with an engi
p.2 A meeting of the inhabitants of Cobourg took place on Monday, …
p.3 Sea-Port for Upper Canada - a meeting to petition for annexation of Montreal to Upper Canada, with resolutions; attended by most of the big names in Kingston - J.S. Cartwright, T. Kirkpatrick, Jo
p.3 Sea-Port for Upper Canada - a meeting to petition for annexation …
p.1 Disastrous and Extensive Conflagration at Kingston - at corner of Quarry and Brock Streets; Lt. Holbrook with Dockyard Engine and Mr. Smith with Ordnance Engine help, attended by Navy and Marines
p.1 Disastrous and Extensive Conflagration at Kingston - at corner of Quarry …
p.2 Resurrection of the St. Lawrence, 110 Gun Ship - Our readers will recollect that this ci devant pride of the Canadian lakes, was last winter purchased by Mr. Drummond for £25, and dismantled to t
p.2 Resurrection of the St. Lawrence, 110 Gun Ship - Our readers …
(from original Chronicle at U. of T. - Robarts Library) ad for Niagara Harbour & Dock Co. Montreal Gazette, Feb. 28, 1833 p.2 Another Alarming Fire - at Kingston; help of Naval and Military Departmen
(from original Chronicle at U. of T. - Robarts Library) ad for …
p.1 New Steamboats - We were agreeably surprised, on walking a few days since to the Mississauga Point, to witness the advanced state of forwardness to which the several steamboats there building hav
p.1 New Steamboats - We were agreeably surprised, on walking a few …
p.2 It is with pleasure we are enabled to corroborate a statement that appears in the last Montreal Gazette, and a similar one which we copy from the Brockville Recorder, that the whole of the Rideau
p.2 It is with pleasure we are enabled to corroborate a statement …
p.2 The act of incorporation of the "St. Lawrence Inland Assurance Company" will be found in our columns. This is the first chartered company of the kind in the Province - marine assurance having her
p.2 The act of incorporation of the "St. Lawrence Inland Assurance Company" …