p.3 Died - lately at Amherstburgh, Mr. Henry Davenport, late Acting Purser of His Majesty's Ship Niagara on Lake Ontario. We understand that 300 Royal Marines are expected from England this season to
p.3 Died - lately at Amherstburgh, Mr. Henry Davenport, late Acting Purser …
p.3 Lachine Canal - We are happy to have it in our power to announce that the first rough operations of this work have been completed; and that they have been conducted with all the celerity of which
p.3 Lachine Canal - We are happy to have it in our …
p.3 York July 20th Launch. On Saturday evening, a schooner of about 60 tons built for Mr. Oates and others, was launched in this port. She went off in very fine style until she reached the water, whe
p.3 York July 20th Launch. On Saturday evening, a schooner of about …
p.3 VESSEL LOST. We learn from a gentleman from Pultneyville, that on the 4th inst. the Schooner Commodore Perry, from Sackett's harbor, about 20 miles out and nearly opposite the former place, was u
p.3 VESSEL LOST. We learn from a gentleman from Pultneyville, that on …
p.3 Galo Light-House - On the night of the 4th inst. the Light House recently erected on the southwest point of the Galo Island, about 16 miles from this place, was for the first time lighted. (Galoo
p.3 Galo Light-House - On the night of the 4th inst. the …
p.3 We learn that during the dreadful gale of the 11th inst., the schooner Asp, from Niagara, laden with staves, was driven ashore and wrecked in Mexico Bay, near Oswego, and that of eleven persons o
p.3 We learn that during the dreadful gale of the 11th inst., …
p.3 We have been requested to contradict the report in circulation respecting the Steam Boat Sophia, and to say that she will continue to ply between this port and Sacket's Harbour till the close of
p.3 We have been requested to contradict the report in circulation respecting …
p.3 LOSS OF THE SCHOONER ASP. Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Richland (U.S.) to Thomas Racey, Esq. of this town, dated Richland, 16th October, 1820. "Dear Sir - The schooner Asp, commanded b
p.3 LOSS OF THE SCHOONER ASP. Extract of a letter from a …