p.3 An Act to Regulate the Trade between this Province and the United States of America, by land and inland navigation: V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after th
p.3 An Act to Regulate the Trade between this Province and the …
p.3 The steam boat Frontenac left this port for the first time this season on the 2d inst. Found - On Tuesday last, a large Scow. Any person proving property, and paying charges, may have the same by
p.3 The steam boat Frontenac left this port for the first time …
p.3 The Steam Boat CHARLOTTE, Will in future leave Kingston, for the Bay of Quinte, on Sunday morning precisely at seven o'clock, and arrive at Bath at ten o'clock, A.M. Kingston, May 8, 1821. Found
p.3 The Steam Boat CHARLOTTE, Will in future leave Kingston, for the …
p.3 THE STEAM BOAT SOPHIA. Will, for the present, leave Sacket's Harbour at ten o'clock A.M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Kingston at 11 A.M. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. SAMUEL
p.3 THE STEAM BOAT SOPHIA. Will, for the present, leave Sacket's Harbour …
p.3 We learn from Cobourg, that the wharf in front of that village has been commenced, and that a pier 24 feet by 16 feet has been sunk in 15 feet water about three hundred and fifty yards from the s
p.3 We learn from Cobourg, that the wharf in front of that …
p.3 Distressing Accident - a man sails from Point Frederick to Simcoe Island in a small barge, the barge is found sunk in 12 feet of water 300 yards off Four Mile Point, with the sails standing and t
p.3 Distressing Accident - a man sails from Point Frederick to Simcoe …
p.3 Fatal Accident - a passenger on board Schooner Minerva Ann falls overboard and drowns on passage to York; he sank before the Captain and crew could reach him with the boat.
p.3 Fatal Accident - a passenger on board Schooner Minerva Ann falls …
p.2 Detroit, June 15th - We understand a Sailor belonging to the British Schooner Confiance, in the employ of the boundary commissioners, was accidentally killed by the dischare of a fowling piece du
p.2 Detroit, June 15th - We understand a Sailor belonging to the …
p.2 Lumber Act - passed in Great Britain (Cap. xxxvii) 28th May, 1821 - gives particulars, dimensions of different kinds of lumber products such as deals, battens, knees, staves, plank, masts, etc. w
p.2 Lumber Act - passed in Great Britain (Cap. xxxvii) 28th May, …
p.3 Public Notice. Is hereby given that the Forwarding business heretofore carried on by the Houses of L. Sexton & Co. of Ogdensburg, Jones & Van Slyck, of Prescott, and Sexton & Crane, at La Chine,
p.3 Public Notice. Is hereby given that the Forwarding business heretofore carried …